LAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES Mad Hatter Page 3 ~) o ; t a - Open doors i ne cont. ; classroom doors closed ® Hang ' are counter productive to the murderers do not enhance the system. survival of mankind and so they should simply be declared "unfit" 2. It was intended that the lights and be executed. It does have a would be on in normal classroom flaw in this argument in that it use and certainly, at least, the cannot strictly support the idea bank of lights adjacent to the that mankind as a species must con- hallways must be on. This bank tinue to exist since many species of lights activates the air have become extinct. Furthermore, | circulation system. Few of us have the integrity of Hitler who was able to apply a theory When film and overhead projectors he accepted in science to a philoso- are being used, it would be de- phy about himself when he wrote in sirable to leave on the special his diary: "I cannot see why human bank of lights, if possible, or beings should not be as cruel to alternately turn the light back one another as are the animals." on as soon as possible. If such truths as implied by Mr. ee Although the air conditioning Trudeau's statement are to be system has no specific humidifi- accepted, they cannot be accepted on cation or dehumidification the basis of Mr. Trudeau having controls, the air processing been a great statesman. Philosophy | system achieves a resultant humi- gets us only relatively close to suchi dity within the building year a truth. Science, even with its around in the area of 45-50% appended myth of human progress, relative humidity. This range is offers little hope. It would seem | a generally accepted comfort that for such a truth to be even | range of relative humidity. possible, it would have to come as a q f . ne we revelation from a frame of reference ‘4- AS a side issue we as ae Waren which rises above and does not a classroom is vacated, that the originate in the thoughts of mere doors be closed and the lights man. turned off. This is an energy : conservation request intended to Al Harms reduce the College's hydro ex- pense which is in the order of | | $23,000.00 per month. | M.H. Morfey Building Air Circulation Classrooms {In order to obtain the most effective use of the air circulation system in classrooms we would like to remind faculty members of the following conditions: 1. The air circulation system was | designed to function best with |