Mad Hatter Page 8 FOCUS ON PROGRESS douglas Self-Study Steering Committee college One of the tasks the Self-Stuay Committee considers essential is the presentation of material from the Colleye five year plan, The following excerpts, containing the general theme statements, and the yoals and primary objectives to be achieved during the period 1483 - 88, colpletes this process. The Committee will pe following up with an institutional survey on yoals and objectives within the next few weeks. PLEASE RETAIN THIS MATERIAL FUR FUTURE REFERENCE SECTIUN VII: GENEKAL THEME STATEMENT FOR DOUGLAS CULLEGE ACTION FUR THE PERIOD 1983-88. A. PROGRAMS Ll. The Colleye Plans to Continue Existiny Programs: Core Proyram: a) Academic - Two-year Proyranis. Db) Career/Technical/Vocational - Business, Health, and Human Service Proyraiis. c) Community Proyramminy - a mix of funded, selt-funded, or co-oOperatively funded programs. d) bWevelopmental Euucation. Non-core Program: a) First-year academic proyrams at Maple kidye. b) Post-basic diploma/certiticate programs - all to be contracted via Ministry of Education, or witn concerned yroups, employers, or associations,