GEORGE BOWERING THURSDAY, Apri 4, 1974 12:30 to 1:30 p.m, -- New West 4-Room comPLEX Oa ute engages tn considerable naming, or cataloguing, of things, eventa, and people in hia immediate envtronment...'To name té to begin to admit.’ To admit what? To admit that there te poetry htdien away in wordia, in their sounda and meanings, tf the poet ean find the context that will release tt. Perhaps to admit, finally, that poetry is about words themselves." George Bowering haa written several books of poetry, two of whtch--Rocky Mountain Foot and the Garge of the Kosmoa--earned him the Governor-General'e Award tn 1969, He hae alao written a novel--Mirror on the Floor--which wae published tn 1967 and a book of literary eritietam=--Al Purdy which wae published in 1970. He hae recently completed a aertea of readings tn Eastern Canada and on Vancouver Taland, Selectiona of hia poetry ean be found tn two major Canadtan anthologieae-l15 Canadiun Poets and Poets of Contemporary Canada 1960-1970. EVERYONE WELCOME NO ADMISSION CHARGE DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH AND COMMUNICATIONS, DouGLAS COLLEGE x.