Weekly crossword: The appreciative edition Caroline Ho Web Editor 70 73 ACROSS 1. Largely defunct email alternative 4. Choose 7. *In German 12. Mine passage 14. Fiery summer sign 15. French Impressionist painter 16. Concept 17. Easygoing 18. Mystery 19. Subsequent 20. “In Japanese 22. Chinese gang 24. uth mo. (abbr.) 25. Moniker 29. Opposite NNW 30. Poem of praise 33. Dict. listing (abbr.) 35. White fish 36. Oak’s output 38. African antelope 40. Monday, October 14, and a hint to each of the starred clues (2 wds.) -RELLA. WHAT IF WOMEN'S HALLOWEEN COSTUMES REFLECTED REALITY ? 44. Gamut 45. Outer ear 46. Not in stock 47. Use a shovel 50. Dessert variety 51. Navigational abbr. 54-552 56. Buck’s mate 58. Gold measurement (var. sp.) 60. *In Tagalog 64. BC artist Emily 65. Threat 68. Many a performer's degree (abbr.) 69. Poet Pound 70. Hulled grains 71. Make a mistake 72. Public disorder 73. *In French 74. Speck 75. Greek H CONSTRUCTION to DOWN 1. Passes out 2. Poisonous snakes 3. *In Mandarin Chinese 4. Pot 5. Juicy fruit 6. Poisonous substance 7. Fender bender’s consequence 8. Negatively charged particle g. Holiday drink 10. Most common Korean surname u. Historical period 13. Brit’s farewell 15. Plunder 21. Deity 23. Ata pier 26. Educ. facility (abbr.) 27.__ Lisa 28. Whirlpool 31. Tres - uno 32. Unit of work 34. Fox species 36. Director Lee 37. Small bite 39. Airport in NYC 40. Stepped 4i. Lug 42. Opposed to 43. High-status individual (abbr.) 44. Pasta ending 48. Leaves the engine on 49. Indian state, a former Portuguese colony 51. *In Italian 52. Pirate’s pet, stereotypically 53. Homeowner organization 55. Physicist Newton 57. Add a file, instead of as an attachment 59. Taiwanese computer brand 61. Play starter (2 wds.) 62. Large do 63. Lemony 65. Lion of American film industry 66. Before 67. Neither’s partner -ENTA