Hit the Button! ) Check out on line services www.dsul18.ca also news, events & Facebook Ee, FOU Health & Dental Plan J Exchange , ~ iS... a r EDUCATIONIS Al < \ November 2010 the Students’ Union saw the largest voter turnout in our history with Douglas students voting 94% in favour of a $30/month U-Pass. Congratulations! The Douglas Students’ Union and Douglas College are finalizing eligibility for full-time and part-time students who pay Students‘ Union fees. All students taking a course of at least 3 credits and paying Students’ Union fees will be required to participate in the program. All eligable students will be automatically enroled in the program: you do not need to sign up. The College anticipates implementing the program May 1, 2011. CHRONIC UNDERFUNDING ; THIRTY YEARS AGO, PUBLI 85% ES AND _ FUNDING MADE UP OVER HAS LEE SITIES RELYING : OF UNIVERSE Letio Son ia cg : aed tis THE SAME re Oot BUSINESS | PERIOD TUITION FEES MORE SERVICE : THAN QUADRUPLED. tie nb uieee Meied® Reach tec eralsierctiea public cfs izez: CANADIAN FEDERATION OF STUDENTS FEDERATION CANADIENNE DES ETUDIANT-E-S 20