Congratulations to Rick Smith for catching and grinding the hypocrisy of Clinton and helping to surface the real issues at stake in his article “Society to Blame for Littleton Massacre.” (OP, May 1999) I'm sure anyone who has been the victim of bullying or teasing could understand where the two boys who went on the shooting rampage were coming from. It was not the best way to solve their problems, but killing someone’s self confidence is ot a crime society should overlook ither. Sure, getting teased and icked on happens to everyone and elps build character, but there’s a imit to everything. How long can omeone function normally while nowing they're literally an outcast their own society, despised and ocked by everyone? Is it really ong to suggest being a little inder and more considerate with e people around you? 0r, at least ave respect for their feelings. Treat eople the way you want to be eated; it’s not such a big sacrifice onsidering the aftermath you could e avoiding. I can only hope we all take a look t the “man in the mirror” before ointing our finger at whoever is ortrayed in the mainstream media s villain. Zahra Jamal Society? Not likely Dear Mr. Smith, In reading your ss ier parte: LITTLETO last month’s issue of the Other Press I found that you are exactly the type of person I don’t want running this country. That’s not to say that you're alone in this, it’s just that you are part of a huge number of people that doesn’t want to take the blame for anything. You and your group instead, blame things on “society” or “television” or other such ambiguous entities. I will take a great leap of faith and assume you are an educated man and being an educated man, you may have read Aldus Huxley's, A Brave New World. In that book, society could be blamed for the actions of its peo- ple because the people in that novel were grown and created to think, act and look a certain way. However, in this world, we are created by a sperm fertilizing an egg, which means that usually we have a set of “parents.” These parents should take it upon them- selves to not teach about right and wrong, but to explain the options open to their offspring and let them choose for them- selves. This would mean “commu- nicating” with our children and young adults beyond “how was your day at school.” Speaking of school, how do you intend to implement this “teacher on every corner” policy? Have you ever taught at an elementary or secondary school? Do you have friends that do? I have friends who teach in these environments and I can tell you that their days are full enough without having to give up their lunch hours and recesses to supervise children that they must look after for six hours every day. Also, we hardly have enough teachers in this province to just teach our young people, are we going to raise taxes to pay for these “supervisors”? Are you willing to pay for that Mr. Smith? If these “supervisors” that you request in your article are put in place, bullying and other abusive behaviour won't be wiped out, it will simply be driven underground where it will become more violent with more gruesome results. Do you remember the problems Japanese schools had a few years back with bullies? How the bullies would conduct their business out of the public’s eye, often with the result being the suicide of the victim. Would you like to bring that over here Mr. Smith? People need to stop blaming ambiguous entities like “society” and start taking responsibility for their own actions. Your article didn’t persuade me Mr. Smith. It frightened me. Hamish Knox June 1999 the Other Press page 5