Fas TO: DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOARD April 9, 1987. - 2 . On March 30th and 31st, the Council of Principals met in Kelowna. The centrepiece of attention, needless to say, was the provincial allocations to colleges and institutes. I think that we can all share an unalloyed pleasure in the fact that Douglas College this year, will be funded adequately for the level of service being provided. [I am sending a letter of appreciation to Ministry staff, on behalf of the Douglas College administration, for the high quality of staff work, and the high quality of communication, demonstrated over the past six months, with respect to the budget. The Council of Principals, is focussing on a number of critical areas for development this year, and I am pleased to say that substantial progress across the province is being made on a number of issues - notably, inter-institutional co-operation; development of increasing opportunities for administrative and faculty personnel of colleges to enhance their skills; the establishment of a more “open" system of transfer of credits and movement of students between institutions; better and closer working relationships with the BCAC; and review of the present system of provincial funding allocations. The Post-Secondary Computer Based Education Committee has continued to meet. Again, substantial progress has been made, and a number of educational and training activities scheduled as a direct result of this Committee's work. I expect the Committee to wind up its activities in June, leaving a legacy of policy and strategy recom- mendations to the Ministry; plus a number of educational programs initiated which will be well under way in June. Internal Matters - Education & Services The Douglas College Foundation is continuing to evolve steadily. The beginnings of an external campaign structure are now in place. I am pleased to report that Mr. Bill Rudd, of Touche Ross, New Westminster, has agreed to become Campaign Chairman for the external capital campaign; Messrs. Muni Evers and Bill Hughes acting as Vice-Chairmen. Heads of three sector committees have been identified. The Foundation Board is looking forward to the addition of two new members representing the Douglas College Board in the near future. The next meeting of the Douglas College Foundation Board is on Thursday, April 23rd, by which time I hope we will have Board representation. On March 27th, Mr. Gilgan and I met with Mr. Liu of the Chinese Consulate, regarding difficulties currently being experienced by Exchange Students in Beijing. A useful discussion ensued, which I believe will result in better learning and social conditions for students in the future. Mr. Gilgan will be reporting on this matter in more detail to the Education & Services Committee as information comes available.