Take a break and leap into fun! 9 AAU RD February 26-29, 1996 Monday, Feb. 26 © Cookie Contest Tuesday, Feb 27 @ Airplane Toss Wednesday, Feb 28 @ Chili Cookofi UTR ENV i OPA MF namo A CT) CUCU CL All events take place in the concourse. To enter a contest drop by the Alumni Offiee, Room 4002, or phone 527-5322. Wi nter WINTER 1996 Enrolments en roilment stats Full-time —_ Part-time TOTAL Arts & Science 1000 1946 2946 Career & Vocational 1169 1431 2600 These enrolment statistics are taken General Studies §73 1891 2464 from the Registrar’s Office Winter 1996 Total 2742 5268 8010 Registration Report. The report contains breakdowns for new and returning students, student numbers across programs WINTER 1995 Enrolments and at the Thomas Haney Centre, and << semester comparisons such as the one adjacent. To get a copy of the report, call hee ge ee ser Debbie Crowley, Senior Records Assistant Gace & Vocstonal 1236 1245 2481 o : : : 387. in the Registrar’s Office, at local 5357 Goel Studies 554 1790 2344 Total 2856 4976 7832 ee EEE 4