INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / August 6, 1991 SCT manager Paul Czesak (standing left) demonstrates the new Student Information System to registration staffers Debbie Crowley (left) and Carmen Mahood. Also observing are Marsh Price, Bev Baldwin, Al Atkinson and Patricia Angus. Banner continued from page 1 more time to react to course needs and more time to fill or juggle courses." The new systems also offer greater accessibility. Individual departments will use their own ter- minals to directly access student data to aid in program planning and marketing. The systems can also allow students to obtain grades or update information such as address and phone number, automatically by phone. Inside Information Inside Douglas College is published every two weeks by the Douglas College Public Information Office. Submissions are due Tuesday noon for publication the following Tuesday. Submissions on floppy disk in WordPerfect or ASCII format would be appreciated. Material may be edited for brevity and clarity. Tips, scoops and suggestions are always welcome. Please contact the Public Information Office, (604) 527-5325, Room 4840 at the New Westminster campus, 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster. Mailing address: P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2. According to Angus, staff will not find it hard to learn how to use the systems — those attending a recent seminar picked it up in two days — and Carole Nelson of Sys- tems and Computing will assist in training. Angus said she will also inves- tigate the need to aid students who may have difficulty using a tele-registering system, such as some Basic Occupational Educa- tion students or the visually impaired. Hi Faculty will not renegotiate e Douglas College Faculty Association will not renegotiate its contract, despite an order by Compensation Fair- ness Commissioner Ed Lien. Lien rejected a new contract worked out between faculty and Douglas College last April be- cause the settlement’s wage increase of 7.1 percent exceeded Victoria’s guidelines of 4.89 per- cent. Lien’s ruling and an order to renegotiate came despite Douglas College’s assurance that it could afford the increase. Pam Burry, Past-President of the Faculty Association, said the contract was fair and reasonable. “To have it negated by such in- credible legislation is difficult to believe and extremely alarming.” Except to say it will not renegotiate, the DCFA executive has not announced its next step and may wait until after the provincial election before making the decision. Meanwhile, Douglas College Director of Labour Relations and Personnel Peter Sanderson said management would ask Lien to permit payment of an interim pay package that falls within the guidelines, until the matter is resolved. Get supplies now os Bookstore would like to remind everyone that summer is a great time to stock up on office needs. Make your lists and come on down! Farcus © Farcus Cartoons Inc. 1990 ... and he’s got leadership potential.