douglas college Inter Office Memo Date: _March 26, 1985. To: From: Re: L. MAD HATTER M.H. MORFEY COLLEGE BOARD RESOLUTIONS At the meeting of the College Board on Thursday, March 21st, the following resolutions were approved: THAT the College Board approve a one-time-only non-refundable application fee for new students applying for credit courses/ programs, and that for 1985/86, the application fee be established at $10.00 per student, and be assessed on all initial applications for the 1985 Fall semester. THAT the College Board approve the increased tuition fees as detailed in M.H. Morfey's memorandum of March 6, 1985, to take effect for the Fall, 1985 semester. Academic Career/Technical 1 course ( 3 semester credits) 2 courses ( 6 semester credits) 3 courses ( 9 semester credits) 4 courses (12 semester credits) 5 courses (15 semester credits) 6 courses (18 semester credits) Self-Paced Continuous Entry Programs Full-time Half-time Specific Services Challenge Fee Late Registration (no change) Course Change (adds & drops) (no change) Reinstatement (no change) Transcripts N.S.F. Cheques (no change) Refunds (no change) Revised Fee Schedule $ 63 126 189 252 315 378 76/mo. 38/mo. 30 10/course 5/transaction 20 3 10 80% - lst week 50% - 2nd and 3rd week Nil - after 3rd week