r JOUGLAS COLLEGE AR rn | Be | writ IV E S MAD HATTER PAGE 5 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES (CONT'D) The Province of British Columbia requires a Director of Information Services in Victoria. Education, Information & Data Services, responsible for development, mainten- ance, evaluation of comprehensive prov- ince wide communication/information services for Ministry and education community . ' QUALIFICATIONS: Prefer appropriate university degree or equivalent ed- -ucation, training and experience SALARY: $31,588-$44,220 per year. Apply in writing before February 10 tO: Public Service Commission 544 Michigan St. Victoria, B.C. vsv 153 Okanagan College requires a Project Coordinator to conduct two signifi- cant projects at this College. -The preparation of a Five Year Edu- cational Plan -The Institutional Evaluation The project is expected to take about one year, starting in the Spring of 1982. Applicants should have previous ex- perience of research projects, an understanding of social and educa- tional issues, the ability to work with people and data, to assess com plex material and prepare succinct and effective reports. Applications, enclosing a resume, de- tails of previous projects, and expec- ted remuneration, should be sent as early as possible to the Personnel Office, Okanagan College, 1000 KLO Rd. Kelowna, B.C. V1Y 4X8 AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT The Canadian Red Cross Society will be holding a Blood Donour Clinic on Monday February 15 and Tuesday February 16 from 2:00-8:00 p.m. at the New West- minster Red Cross House, 51 6th Street, New Westminster. Please "keep on givin'" $!