Wlo eal e Mm A woman's voice Don’t As writers, we are-askéd ‘to find tit’ voice— > . ome tree ‘how can we, as wortieny; ae ‘SO when with each attempt” Our words are quashed before they are dittered: ~ Don’t tell me sell te tease me or try to please me with your idea(l)s of physical beauty or with your creaseless skin and pouty lips—bee stung, they’re called—. A MOTHER'S PLEA es how attractive is a bee sting especially on the lips. Don’t flaunt your walk your e my sanity "hair your flair your all too thin legs pivoting on too high backbreakers. Break your When we do use our voice—to speak the truth, back (or lie on it) for gross amounts of money as you moan about the hours the people choose to ignore and turn the other way oni travel the heat the work! In those places where your salary is higher than the When we do find our inner strength - rsh reality. GNP and where people can’t even dream about youthfulness...the rest of and begin to express our needs and desires,.. j : society kowtows to you. You insist on focusing on the brain behind the body how quickly there are those who choose to scorn. “>, I feel ae pent up anger. honey we don’t want to know about that it holds no glamour no glory, but your ee The light is dim and fading fast. 5'10” 105 Ibs junk food and other goodies existence your (insured) body we all To succumb to silence is to die! This pain will always linger, want that. Don’t toss your styled for 2 hours casual tresses this way, sharing a even when the worst has past. morsel of your short-lived “beauty” as you flash your whiter-than pearly whites There are those who judge blindly— and bat your naturally false eyelashes at reality. Mirror mirror on the wall how rather than listen quietly. Close ones, those who would be my much makeup can I haul and do I stall this body’s needs so I can achieve those : They cast accusations quickly, friend o fantasies? For the fairest of us all is the tallest the latest the youngest is now while spitting venom at our feeet. in my grief are pushed aside. the greatest in the fickle memories of the world and the harsh lens of the Help me break this lonely trend, camera. Don’t hide what's there when the crap is peeled away and you can The women sees—but she does not speak honestly say you don’t need to prop up your self-esteem through a glossy for fear of intimidation—and for fear of scorn,....° magazine. and in doing so, She loses the very essence of her being. by Jess Johal A woman learns that she must play the game, ay in order for her to learn and to grow. As Lignan must learn to trust and respect one another, —. s-.regardless of sex, race, or religious preferences. As writers, We are equal when weuse our voice-—. : and ‘refuse to be oppressed. none VORRGRT tN Cony me baie a unch eae il 10 dishes t Totus bkOtE}] eee | Siident Rush Mignts: FREE 2220" j TT UTSTTS a, Y ae See NOTICE TO ALL STUDENTS te ane Elections to the College Board and | Education Council BRING IT ON Co @ on in. a f x Elections to the College Board and Education Council will 3 Vanco uver Cc anucks | a ‘ be taking place at the end of March. This notice is to WwW hi Vancouver Grizzlies advise all students regarding the Nomination Process. Vs. as ington uAss vs. Dallas Mavericks There are two positions for the College Board and four Capitals Mon., Feb. 17th @ 7:00 pm positions for the Education Council. The term of office is ri a — September 1, 1997 and ending Tuesday, February 11th | Vancouver Grizzlies ugust 31, : . 7:00 pm Ga vs. Cleveland Cavaliers _ Nominations for all positions must be RECEIVED by the P } CAVS Sun., Feb. 23rd @ 12:00 noon Registrar at the New Westminster campus no later than 4:00 pm MARCH 6, 1997. Nomination Forms are available : : at the Registrar's Office and at the Student Society at all toe anasiae) VY § eens ae eae | GPEERS) We, Feb. 26th © 7:00 pm| Elections are being conducted for the College Board to fill ONE seat for female students and ONE seat for male Tickets start from just ela from iust ae Real ae from ee students. Elections are being conducted for the Education Council ra 0 * =) 0 | rd ~ vi =] to fill ONE seat for students attending the Thomas Haney Peis OE Se eee | Present your valid student photo identification - anytime up to an hour and a ampus, an seats for students attending the A : : pee Westies cient : half (90 minutes) prior to gametime - at any TicketMaster outlet or at the Orca . Bay Box Office at General Motors Place (Gate 10). | (% ORCA BAY SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT For more information please contact the Registrar, Trish Angus, at 527-5358. } \ Douglas College Discount applies to prices ranging from $18.25 - $53.00 for the Grizzlies, and $40.25 & $47.75 only _” for the Canucks. Limit of four tickets per student per game while quantities last. Prices include GST but are subject to applicable service charges. Offer only good for games listed on this flyer. Offer can- not be combined with any other promotion. The Other Press March 4,1997 9