A YESS douglas college’s autonomous student newspaper - since Ato ¥ ae. eS Volume 17 Number 17 July 9, 1993 FREE Irritating the #*$@ out of students from New Westmonster, Maple Syrup, Codependance, and Planet Borg. Douglas College Announces New Campus New Pinetree Way Campus for Coquitlam now in the works By Niki King-Jocks It's official - thy ~ew campus is coming! ~ On June 16 ° Board passed a» on to accept the provincialgover: __.t's proposed budget to build the new Pinetree Way Campus. The new campus will be located in Coquitlam, ‘and the Advanced Education Ministry has committed over $34 million to go towards building the new school. The motion came about after much hard work and negotiations on the part of several members of the Board of Directors of Douglas College including James Doerr, Dean of Community Programs and Services and Peter Greenwood, College Bursar. The original budget proposed by Douglas College was turned down, but aftera 16%reductionin size of the proposed complex, a new budget was accepted by the Ministry. Dispite the reduction in size ouglas College the actual budget only went down 0.9%. The new budget allows for the spending of approximately $1400 per square metre towards the building costs, up from the previous $1200 per square metre in the original proposal. Theaverage high school in B.C. is funded at only $1385 per square metre. Although the new budget has provided for the planning and construction of the building itself, funds have yet to be found for the construction of parking and recreation facilities. There are, however, some hints on the horizon that $1,000,000 may be coming to go towards funding the recreation facilities. Both Bursar Peter Greenwood and Director of Physical Plant Terry Leonard have met with the Coquitlam School Board to discuss the possibilities ofadvancing the construction schedule of the new high school that will be built opposite the college site. Some feel that the educational link that this will provide will be beneficial to the community. The new campus will allow students that already attend Douglas College and live in the Coquitlam area to attend school closer to home. It will also allow potential students that live in the area easier access and give people who can’t commute a chance to go to college. Committees will be formed to aid in the planning and construction of the site. A Program and Service Development committee will be headed by the Dean of Human Resources to look at the. development of the programs that will be available at the new campus. There will also be a Project Construction Committee which will look at various things that should be involved in theplanning of thenew complex, including reflecting the needs of minorities and provision for people with physical disabilities.. The committee will be composed of members of the Board of Douglas College, faculty, students, and the president of the College, William Day, will be involved out of interest only. The college is currently in the process of placing ads and hiring project managers, This is Tom Perry, Minister of Advanced Education. He gets a// the credit for everyone else’s work on the budget for the new campus. space programmers, andarchitectstomake so the decision on who gets to draw th the building a beautiful place to be. pictures will bea tough one. This numbe Originally, there were 22 different will be narrowed down to five and th architectural firmsinterestedin the project winner will be chosen from one of these e 7 “ » - she t a “4 wor Ls De PLETE) 2 LFSID ' hor DPrecc-- huernty’) © ine Uther rress—iwenty teers © 20 September 3 1996 The Other Press—Twenty Years of Unrestricted Growth wi an - of Unrestricted Growti)