November 16, 1993 Letters to Dear Other Press, Well, it’s 1:30 in the morning and I can’t get to sleep which isn’t so great considering I have to be up by 6a.m.. SoI get up and smoke a cigarette (even though I don’t smoke,) heck, it was there and I didn’t have anything better to do. The irony is that even though I've cut my life span by, what?, 30 seconds?, I’ve done less damage to myself than when I’m around other people who smoke, recycling their used smoke. I still couldn’t get to sleep though, and my thoughts slowly wandered to the days events...My trip to the pet store, and the lines toa new poem about fish-began to take shape in my head. (Hey, it’s 1:30 a.m. okay, so this isn’t ab- normal activity...yet.) Yeah, well it was a stupid poem so I won’f’say anymore about it, but then my thoughts wandered even more. Now, I've never thought of keeping fish in a fish tank/bowl as animal cruelty, but lets look at it from the fish’s point of view. (Humour me.) Imagine coming from the big blue sea (brown if it’s polluted,) where you had tons of space to swim, other fishes to swim with , and real plants to swim around. Sure you weren’t guaranteed a meal whenever you felt hungry, and it’s true that you had to watch out for the bigger fish who The Other Press the Editor would have thought you a delectable morsel for lunch, but hey, that’s a risk you gotta take, and only a small price to pay for freedom. Life is cool until the two legged land mon- ster which sits at the top of the food chain decides he'll do you a big favour by letting you live with him. He’ll put you in a bowl full of water, add some plastic plants to get that natural environment going (all the comforts of home you know!) AND, he’ll even feed you everyday!! (of course he could overfeed you in which case you would explode and die.) Should I tell you what your bonus is, or do you want to look behind door #3? OOPs! Too late. Just think, you'll get to sit beside his lava lamp, and swim in circles to his hearts delight. If you get dizzy and faint at least you wouldn't sink. Oh!, and by the way, you might get a complete idiot who knows nothing about fish as an owner, and there is the slight risk that he could place an- other fish, who sees you as a nice tidbit to munch on, in your tank with you. (Yes!, these fringe ben- efits are free.) Makes you wanna take up smoking, huh? ..It’s only 2:14. I still have three hours and forty-five minutes till I have to get ready, so, do you wanna hear what I think about... signed, still awake qe O7AEF gl oA_al a peice jas ek: e 6 1 6E ge ag rt oe ee? & ¥ ; f “fs £ ? c = - ' ve £ t& Phote by Jim Irving Fd.- Although most letters to the editor are dropped into the submissions box in the office, others are sometimes found in more | unusual places. The above letter for example, was written on 1st floor bathroom wall by a shy, yet avid reader of the Other Press. douglas college's student newspaper since 1976 STAFF THIS ISSUE Finally, finally, finally, after much procrastination, some retaliation and a little humiliation, paper production at the O.P. was underway. It was a treacherous, tiresome, tacky week as Niki and Tara battled with invisible cows, bygones and spilt milk. Holy Holly's ear got stuck to the telephone (that'll teach ya!!). Super Scott, the wonderful wizard of words, showed everyone how to smile and stress at the same time while visions of meatballs danced in his head. Oil Patch Dug got weirded right out and threw away disc after disc of impossibility. Elaine's jaw hit the ground as she and Lys encountered tumbling terricloth and the friendly sailor. Steve danced the hokey pokey and shared his thoughts on many a topic (always a pleasure Steve!!!) as Tim ate his porridge with a dessert fork, pushed the importance of riding the roller coaster and bit his lip once again. Erica and A.J. sucked applesauce and blew balloons while Manjit and the Mahjongg master Nancy made whatever they could of the chaos. COORDINATORS AND SUCH production ~ Niki King-Jocks arts & entertainment ~ Tara Meiklejohn classifieds ~ Dug Hebert featurzs ~ Steve Jocks graphics ~ Trent Ernst prod. assistant ~ Scott Simmer sports ~ Lys Parades & Elain Leong news ~ Ari Chark creative ~ Niki King-Jocks office ~ Tim Crumley ress The Peace Camp - the other side of the story Dear Other Press; Ijustread some ofAlison Smith's report on the Peace Camp. I find it difficult to believe that we were in the same place at the same time. That it was the same time is obvious to me, since the drummers she refers to were causing lots of friction, and the Circle was convened at one point to deal with this matter specifically. I was in the Circle, as were about 40 others. Two men were causing lots of difficul- ties. One was a spoiled young man who wanted to drum all day and all night; he caused lots of people to hate him. He would dis-associate when people gently criticized him. As a Jungian, I can state with some authority that he is a severely neurotic young man who was attempting to heal the only way he knew—by causing people to distance themselves from him. He should be pit- ied, not hated. The other man was middle-aged and spoiled. By the time he spoke, many had left the Circle. Consensus is the basis of Circle decisions, and consensus is not easily arrived at even on “simple” issues. Our middle aged friend was doing his best to intimidate people around him to cast off the young drummer. The Circle facilitator was so upset by the older man’s behavior that she had to leave the Circle and calm her nerves. Alison Smith is very angry about some- thing. Perhaps her search for ecotopia was de- layed, possibly because no such idea exists—or if it does, it certainly does not exist in the Peace Camp. I spent ten days at the Camp during two visits over the summer. The description that Smith paints is idiotic. The Camp is largely, but not ex- clusively, based on feminist theory, and is run on a consensus model. Most of the elders, but not all, are women. Some of the women are middle aged, some are young All respect each other for the contributions they bring as individuals. It is a pity Smith did not bring her energy into un- derstanding these women. Smith’s lead is pretentious. She was not detained. The Peace Camp entrance is not a bor- der crossing—except in a Jungian sense! Many people arrived at the Camp in order to heal, sens- ing that it was a good place to do so. They are and were correct. I admit that more than a few people were stoned or nearly so. Many were ob- viously drying out from whatever binge they ex- perienced before getting to the Camp. No one used drugs in the Camp. Such is and was forbid- den by the Camp Code. I am personally aware of one young man who was forced to leave the Camp because he refused to leave his booze be- hind him. I would be curious to know what Smith was seeking healing for. Student journalism must be “in your face”. It serves no purpose otherwise. Student journalism is art and must be seen in that light. But there is no artistic merit when the art lacks integrity and honesty. Students are as obligated as masters to maintain integrity and honesty in their art. Ms. Smith must be called on this lack of artistry so that her art can improve. At this time, however, I have no respect for her opinions. Per- haps she can earn my respect by responding to these concerns in a timely manner. Sincerely, Ari Chark SSSSSSS9 SPECIALS ALLNGHT LONG! NEW WEST'S # | NITE CLUB! cto euoan Dig up your bell bottoms 99 for 1 Specials " Featuring 4 of B.C.’s 24 EEEMI LADIES '@e ee NIGHT! , PRESENTTHS COUPON , ATTHEDOOR ANY Hottest Male Dancers FRAY OR SATURDAY AND: NOV. FLORDA’SSUNCOAST 1PAY NO COVER CHARGE! CALENDAR MEN | OFFER EXPIRES NOY. 30.934 College Place Hotel 740 Carmarvon st. New West, Just 2 Minutes From Douglas College