Other Press September 26, 1989 Sexist Degrees Challenged New Bill MayCut Fundin by Francesca Lo Dico she said. “Female students creating a new degree be- OTTAWA (CUP) — It $900 million less in federal Canadian University have a right to be fully and —_ cause we are changing a word 2 like oh. eee payments for post-secondary Press accurately represented bythe thatisnot part ofthe present dj ustment in a complicated education between 1991 and MONTREAL (CUP)— degrees they earn at any policy.” thematical ees a 1995. Imagine this: aman studies UNiversity.” He also said the com- But a new bill, w __ Ministry of finance offi- Geoffrey Chaucer, Virginia Gammon wastogradu- mittee may not see it asa |Cutsfederalpaymentstothe —_cials point out that although Woolf and William ate in May 1989 but her priority. provinces for social programs, federal spending will be re- Shakespeare. degree has been put on hold “There are enormous have devastating effects = duced, it will not fall below He graduates and is until the university makes a problems facing women at n health care and Post-sec- the rate of inflation, and extra granted a Master of Arts in decision. Concordia, such as lack of [ondary education, critics say. payments to poorer provinces English. She said ‘mistress’has § women on faculty and pay Still in the ear! one willcontinue. Another student, fe- ¢quired sexual connotations — equity. Is this important and jof ee es A Critics are quick to point male, also studies Geoffrey while ‘master’ has lost little can we afford to put our re- will eles © gro A ge out that C-33 is not the first Chaucer, Virginia Woolf, and fits intent.“Anytermthat sources behind it?” Decarie for transfer paymen' ie i cutback in federal transfer William Shakespeare. She as been used for women is asked. provinces under = sta payments. In 1984, the lib- graduates afd is granted a derogated to take sexual con- _ “Itsoundslikeasimple [ished fg ap mancing eral government limited Mistress of Arts in English. 0tations,” she said. “These request but it’s not just a ihe eae y Ge growth in transfer payments Unlikely? If a Concor- ers — mis- question of saying, ‘OK, we're sees ee =e = eae it’s ‘6 and 5’ re- i iversi d stu- treated and abu oing to change it.’ It’s a ave. : See i poe NS. er “It’s about time that we ree that willaffectthou- |. ia ae eet ; The Conservatives C-. way, her degree will, reclaimed these terms. We sands of people.” m th i : ¢ $200 96, introduced in 1986, re- indeed, read ‘Mistress of Arts’ have to take these connota- “To say that it’s not a aan ra ah ge cu aa duced the growth rate by two English literature stu- tions and wave them in the priority is in itself sexist. They | ee 3D. . ae per cent. dent Carolyn Gammon said air.” think that because it’s just Eat aes "$34 bill i - Old says between C-96 the use of the word ‘Master’ The Quebec ministry dealing with wordsit’snota |i, ciecthigvens 2nd C83, the total loss to to represent female gradu- Would have to approve the priority.” Salama the feed post - secondary education ate students and their aca- Change, which would apply Gammon said she hopes Because a funding will be $6.8 billion demic work is sexist. She has to all universities. other female students who resents 23 pe we. by 1995. ‘ made an official request to Concordia’s under- see the necessity of obtain- federal pare fc Cia Some provinces will be have the title of her degree raduate Gender Equity ing a Mistress of Arts to come gued, it had to be cut’ Se: unwilling, and others just changed. committee. is reviewing forth and -Sieo make a.re part of the conservative ie aren’t able to make up that She has suggestedthat Gammon’s case. quest. cit-cutting program. kind of difference,” says CFS women ought also to be able Committee member The bill has been soak chair Jane Arnold. “The bur- to receive a spinster of arts. | Graeme Decarie said it may demned by teacher, student den is going to be shifted to “I want myself, my work, take years to conclude be- and health care groups. students, and students just and those whohaveinspired cause “wecan’tjust decide to Canadian Federation of can't take anymore. ittobereflectedinthetitleof | change the name of degree. ae ara C antics 5 “This “ee to te ive,” “What we are doing is a mean __ and especially people who Pee eo Ae want to be students that the _| government's commitment to = 4 eee education is not real,” she says. Freeze-The-Fees Campaign Warming Up |". ..... what the feds are doing when by Deanne Fisher first stage, followed by walk- “Institutions are responsible institutions, it could “very |Mulroney makes these com- outs, civil disobedience and for setting their own fees,”he clearly apply the necessary |ments about how education OTTAWA (CUP) — British lobbying sessions with said. — = _.,. pressure” to halt fee hikes. and research are meant to be Colunsbin'a hodent Sedaeeting