DOUGLAS CoLiecs LIBR “ARCHIvEs CERARY - IF YOU CAN'T SEEM TO ORGANIZE AN EFFECTIVE TERM PAPER - IF YOU ARE A NEW OR RETURNING STUDENT AND WANT TO BRUSH UP ON YOUR RESEARCH SKILLS : - IF YOU CAN NEVER FIND ANYTHING IN THAT LIBRARY ANYWAY THEN YOU SHOULD KNOW Douglas College Libraries, in co-operation with the Counselling Department and its Skill Foundations program, offers a seven week mini-course, SD-111 Skills for College Library Research. This course is designed to introduce you to effective methods of essay preparation: - How to choose a suitable topic - How to tind the information supporting your ideas = How to organize everything in a coherent paper It is a seven week course, with a two-hour class and lab every week. Class lectures are combined with practical sessions and students are encouraged to bring course assignments with them. Testing is self evaluation only. The course carries one and one-half College Credits and enrollment is limited to a maximum of fifteen students per section. To register or for further information call Admissions at 588-6404.