MAD HATTER PAGE 2 EVENTS B.C.G.E.U. Local 59 | Offers he SEMINAR ON "THE SUCCESSFUL WOMAN" Guest Speaker - Pauline Jewett The Personnel Development Committee for B.C.G.E.U. is pleased to present the following seminar: Pauline Jewett shall be on the New Westminster Campus, TUESDAY, April 21, 1981 from 1200-1300 hours in ROOM N319 to present a seminar on "The Successful Woman". I am sure a large number of the staff (men included too!) will enjoy and bene- fit from this seminar. Since the time runs into the lunch hour, please feel free to bring your lunch. Hope to see you there! From....Laverne Grams, Personnel Development Committee TUITION FEES One of the last acts of the old Douglas College board was to accept a recommendation which will increase the college tuition fee at bott=— Kwantlen and Douglas College. The increase in 1981 will be $2 a credit (20 per cent) to a maximm of $144 (15 per cent). The proposal was reviewed by an ad hoc committee, which included the President of the Student Society, before it went to the College Board. The increase was opposed by the Student Society. Tuition fees will increase to $13 per credit in 1982 and $14 per credit in 1983. The maximum payable will be $169 and $196 respectively. FOR SALE Two Bedroom Home nestled in quiet, friendly neigh- . borhood, on the South Slope in Burnaby. Close to park, schools and bus service. Only 8 minute drive to new Douglas College Campus. A few of the many features include new wall to wall carpeting, cosy floor to ceilin~ fire place, modern bright inlaw suite in base-~ — ment, fenced yard, large brick patio. Price: $179,900.00 or offers. Call 434-8673 KNOWLEDGE wn NETWORK #2. Invitation for for Fall, 1981 Schedule The Knowledge Network invites proposals for its inter-active instructional sevice for the period commencing September 8, 1931. The Fall Schedule will again be carried via the Anik-B satellite to communities in British Columbia afd transmitted via cable to many homes. Currently 30 communities are receiving the signal including Vancouver and Victoria. Although this is the commencement of a regular service, it will still be developmental for the next few years. We will be sharing satellite time with other users in Western Canada whieh may prevent a full 14 hour-a- day, 7 day-a-week service this year. We anticipate that at least 14 two- hour time-slots will be available for inter-active use. Time slots may be of variable t, 1 hour, 14 or 2 hour lengths. Suecessful applicants will be required to adhere to program and technical cequirements. The program and technical guidelines included with this letter should be regarded as minimum. The Network is developing a tariff for use of its system. The tariff will reflect the cost of satellite time and the cost of distribution centre operation. [t will be structured according to program use. Allocation of system time shall be conditional on the implementation of a cost-sharing agreement. The tariff should be available in mid=April and proposals may be made conditional on these fees. Applications for use of the system for the Fall Schedule - September 8 - December 31, 1981, will be received until April 30, i981, Recommendations on time allocation will be completed by May 31, 1981, for ratification by the Board of Directors. Please send proposals to: Kathleen Forsythe Manager, Learning Systems Development Knowledge Network 2206 East Mall U.B.C. NOTE* Vancouver, 5. C, ¥6H 1W5 Any faculty member wishing to submit €@ proposal to the asked to submit an informational copy to their appropriate administrator.