THE MAD HATTER A Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the spring ' and fall semesters, bi-montly in the summer semester by Douglas College Technical and Vocational Institute P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. Telephone: 588-4411, Local 283 Notice Board Petty Cash - N.W. Effective immediately, petty cash requirements may be obtained from the N.W. Campus Principal's office (N305) from the Business Clerk. Joan Edwards for Bill Day Campus Principal N.W. SMALL FORMAT VIDEO COURSE Have you ever wanted to use the video but been afraid to?? A course is being offered at D.C., Surrey Campus, on SMALL FORMAT VIDEO, for those in- tending to use video in such ways as closed circuit or community cable. There will be discussions and work on basic camera techniques, lighting, sound, half-inch open reels, general production methods and cablecasting. Classes commence Tuesday Oct. 17, and each following Tuesday from 1930 - 2130 hours for five weeks. If interested contact Admissions, Surrey Campus. /. ABE GETS $74,000 GRANT College Council agreed to participate in a pilot project aimed at training volunteers to tutor non- reading adults in the & community. Starting in January, the program will provide work- shops and practicum experience to the volunteer tutors. The volunteers will be trained to use a manual developed by the ABE faculty and printed by the College. Nora Minogue, community development Coordinator for the project, will be released half-time from teaching to engage in community consciousness raising. Barbara Bowmar, newly appointed regular faculty in ABE, will be released half-time on project funds to coordinate curriculum development © and to plan for the train- ing of tutors. Please encourage your students to volunteer. Research shows that reading levels of tutors, in many cases, increases more than the reading levels of tutees. ***SUPPORT YOUR THEATRE DEPARTMENT*** PLAN NOW CG AT TEN D - The Theatre Departments Production of NIGHT MUST FALL, Emlyn William's thriller, starts on Wednesday Oct. 25. It will run till Sunday, Oct. 29. - It will be held at the James Cowan Theatre, in Burnaby, starting at 8 p.m., Sunday Matinee at 2 pm (for your convenience).