INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / SEPTEMBER 12, 1989 A Request for Faculty and Student Participation Twentieth Anniversary Commemorative Issue of College Journal Community Focus is a student- produced journal focused on topics that interest both the College and its surrounding community. Three editions have been successfully produced by business writing stu- dents and enthusiastically received by community readers. Now the production of a fourth “special” issue geared for commemorating the College’s twentieth anniversary has been approved by the Anniver- sary Steering Committee. For this particular issue we are hoping for the college-wide participation of students and faculty. Preparing articles for this journal gives students valuable experience in writing for an audience of real readers. We hope to recruit as many student-writers as possible for our anniversary edition, and so are requesting that interested in- structors help support this publication by encouraging stu- dents to participate. We also hope to enlist the assistance of instruc- tors to provide guidance for participating students in research and topic development. Faculty in history, sociology, business, public relations, marketing, English, and communications would be especial- ly useful in helping our students prepare their articles. Suitable topics for this issue in- clude college and educational philosophy; college history, ac- tivities, plans and goals; our varied clientele and programs; and com- munity involvement (municipal, business, industry, and social ser- vices). Through the course of this project students will be led through the research and writing processes up to preparing copy for the Public Information Office who will adapt articles for printing via desk-top publishing. The first meeting will take ‘tale: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. in ROOM 3345 (English Department Field Base). Please tell your students, and contact Diana Wegner (local 5291) or Barbara Sekhon (5465) if you are interested or desire more in- formation. @ Planning Funds Approved for New Kwantien College Campus The provincial government recently announced it will spend $1.6 million to plan a new $37 million Richmond campus for Kwantlen College. Con- struction of the new 250,000-square-foot campus is expected to begin in mid-1990 on a ten-acre site purchased last year. The new campus will provide seating capacity for 2,400, allowing up to 4,000 students to attend the Richmond campus of Kwantlen each instruc- — tional day. The present Richmond campus serves 1500 students in leased space that cannot meet the growing needs of the college. College president Adrienne MacLaughlin noted the campus expansion will serve the graduates of five large senior secondary schools. “The new campus will provide educational opportunities for 200,000 resi- dents in Richmond and support the expanding industries of the Lower Mainland,” she said. @ °