pe AT THe BOARD IN FSBRUARY WESTFIELD JR. SECONDARY The Board has accepted the bid of $2,100,000 from Crestwood Construction Ltd. for the — , . . BOARD OF SCHOOL, TRUSSES a - SCHOOL DISTRICT NC 38 ux Ae ee = . 689 NIC) 3 ROAD C mihoie a ce TEL EBHONE 978-9504 : O5-25M <2 TELEPHONE 278-9521 | FEBRUARY, 1974 : Ping construction of the new Westfield Junior Secondary School. Construction can proceed as goon as approval is received from the Department of Education. A Board Committee, composed of Trustees Fast and Speers, will endeavour to look at names for the new school. PROMOTIONS Miss Margaret Logan has been promoted to the Principalship of Kilgour Elementary School. CANCER CAMPAIGN Fred Eldred, Chairman of Richmond Conquer Cancer Campaign, appeared before the Board to present a Certificate of Merit to Mr. Holob, District Superintendent, for the co- operation extended to the Cancer Society during the recent campaign. BUDGET The Board approved the 1974 budget of $19,833,242. This total is comprised of an operating section of the budget, which amounted to $16,602,828. and a non-operating section of $3,230,414. INSURANCE AGENT The Board appointed J. T. O'Bryan & Co. as its agent for all insurance other than auto and student accident insurance. ELEMENTARY PUPIL PROGRESS REPORTS On the basis of findings from the questionnaire to parents, as well as recommen~- dations from the report card committee and the elementary principals, a revised pupil progress report was prepared and presented to the Board for approval. The Progress Report form is still basically designed to form the basis for a conference between parents and teachers. However, further written comments will be used to report pupil progress when parents are unable to attend conferences. canal McROBERTS EXCHANGE TRIP TO KELOWNA About 80 members of the McRoberts Junior Secondary School Band and school Dance Club received permission to make an exchange visit to K.L.O. Junior Secondary School in Kelowna on April 18, 19 and 20. ee or aE ite a Rahs ye ee | NEw. and ViCw LE eine ho ee DAO 21: “a ‘ ee, ee