SS FL ECTIONS Ceili. name and position punning for. What experience do you bring to the job? What Is your position on the CFS? What are some initiatives you wish to bring? Any other comments? i Acad ci VP External . One year as PE and Athletics Rep Two year involvement with Student Society Sit on furniture fixturer and equipment committee, policy review committee, I also ran my own business in high school and I know what it takes to promote yourself in the community and how to make contacts and deal with people in a professional manner. I believe that the CFS is a good vehicle for students’ issues. Unfortunately, there are bad drivers at the wheel and I see the CFS as heading the wrong way down a one-way street. Before I could support Douglas as being a member of the CFS, I would want different people running the CFS in the right direction. Financial management re: investing DCSS money to make money for the DCSS. We would use this “profit” to create more scholarships and bursaries for the students that need them. I want to improve the relationships the DCSS has with other colleges and universities and make Douglas a proud place to be. I don’t like hearing student say “I'm just going to Douglas,” like we're some sort of second-rate institution. We're not, and we need to develop a good image of ourselves. T have learned a lot in the last year, and I would put this knowledge to good use to improve ourselves. Being VP Ex. would give me the means to accomplish my goals, and the goals of students in general. Christa Deters Vp External Iam currently the University Transfer Representative and women's’ liaison. In addition I am a member of several college and student society committees. Finally, I was a student society delegate to the Canadian Federation of students semi-annual general meeting in 1996 My goal is to hold a referendum to join the CFS, giving the final say to students on the only student organiza- tion which represents the rights and interests of students on a provincial and national level. Some things include a summer semester at the Coquitlam and Maple Ridge campuses, a registration book that gives student a year-at-a-glance look at registration to better plan their educational year. Get out, meet the candidates, vote. Kyle Thorpe Vp Marple Ridge I have worked in many different environments and have had experience in human relations. Student participation in obtaining objectives; Safewalk program at Maple Ridge campus; computers; cold food machines. To motivate student body to actively participate in goals. To motivate community of Maple Ridge; student card discounts at local Maple Ridge merchants. Amber Wilton VP Maple Ridge Experience I have been a representative for two years and taken over as interim VP for the past three months. I think the CFS is a good idea when it is truly looking out for the best interests of the students. However, I’m not sure that the people in charge have their priorities straight. More classes to Maple Ridge, updated computers, summer semester... Even though there are three separate compuses, Maple Ridge, David Lam and New West, we are all Douglas College students and we need to work together to improve the facilities for tha students of Douglas College. Amanda Wheeler VP Maple Ridge Central in beginning Amnesty International Group that will be a club at DC in fall. Full-time student at MRDC, so I know what it is like to go to school there. Former resident Council Rep. at University Western Ont. I think it’s an excellent organization but that the students of DC should be able to make an informed vote on a referendum. I hope to get more courses offered at MRDC. The computer lab needs to be updated There needs to be a stronger commu- nication line between all three cam- puses as MRDC often feels isolated. Maple Ridge campus needs a strong representational voice. The students that attend this campus pay the same tuition and student fees and yet-there is a chronic lack of courses, services and facilities. These deficiencies will not be addressed unless the student coucil and the administration are made aware of them. I will ensure that Maple Ridge campus needs are known and addressed. Experience and knowledge of DCSS They are an ineffective, expensive Since I have held the position for the procedures. organization that would be of no past year, I hope to work toward more benefit to the students of Douglas of the same issues, services, acknowl- College. edgement, increased FTE, etc. Coley Mansfield Vice President David Lam My position is to run a candidate for | Deaf students should have interpreters Experience students with disabilites. I'm responsi- | provided to them when there's something} I have a disability which is deafness. ble to stand up and fight for their special going on like plays, etc. Teresa Kollias I have different kinds of experiences working with people who are deaf, or blind, or both, or have learning disabilities, cerebral palsy, etc... I understand the needs of people with disabilites. needs. So everyone can be equal and aware of what is going on at Douglas College. Also there should be better lit fire alarms at Douglas and more light alarms in the parking lot. There should be more posting of events at Douglas’ Disabled students area to keep the students posted of what is going on, etc... Disabled Students Rep Medelaine Frolak UT Rep I feel Douglas college has literally given back my life. I left school at 16 years old. As a single parent wanting more, coming to Douglas has given me self-worth, lifelong friendships, meeting incredible faculty and inspiring teachers. I asked my son the other day what he wanted to be when he grows up. He said, “I want to be like mommy and go to college.” For that alone, it’s very important to me to give back to Douglas though it’s given me more than I could return. I love to .help other students obtain all from themselves and Douglas, and to “go forward.” (our class | motto) I think the CFS is great. It’s because of them that there’s no GST on the student loans and let us not forget (!) the tuition Getting the students cheaper travelling, which allows students affordable breaks from school. They don't and can't do it alone without the incredible help from the students. Which is amazing to see students doing and supporting each other and themselves. Nothing that I can see needs to change, for me I like Douglas as it is, but that’s where if I was chosen to be a University Transfer Rep, it would be my responsibility to listen and see your views on Douglas and we'd take it from there. Since they're going to all the trouble and expense to build us a student lounge with a bar, why not throw in a grocery store and student housing, then I'd go to class in my Pjs. A girl can dream, can’t she? But seriously, Douglas I believe meets the students wants, needs and desires. If you feel you know a little about me, what } think of Douglas, and would be any use to you or the college, Vote for me to take the responsibility for the University Transfer Student Representative. Remember, I’m a student and a mother, and if you put your name on the back of the ballot, I'll send out your Starbucks coffee coupon to you. (Only kidding, I hope this means I can still run, only if you promise to case me. I better stop now before students from psyc. come get me to use for lab.) PS: Yes, it’s true, the patients are running the asylum. Thanks ever so.