The Other Press Mailbag Dear Editor, Brandon Ferguson's thoughtful article, “Religion on Trial for Murder,” is timely considering March 8th is International Women’s Day. The murder of Amandeep Atwal should not be passed off as some- thing that happens only in backwater religions or cultures. Violence against women is common in our own North American culture. Alex Neve of Amnesty International writes: “And we cannot fool ourselves into believing that this [violence against women] is not a pressing problem in Canada. For it is—and the women who were killed at the Pickton Farm, or at Montreal’s Ecole Polytechnique, and women like Gillian Hadley and Arlene May, murdered by their husbands and boyfriends, remind us just how pressing it is.” Visit alexneve_opinion1.php We still have a lot of work to do in our own country. Thanks, Josie Padro Hello and good day, I am writing in regards to your (Amanda Aikman) article on the good doctor, Hunter S. Thompson. You end this with quotes, one in particular interests me and has for sometime ever since I heard it: “There he goes. One of God’s own prototypes. Some kind of high-powered mutant...” I have since only heard it in a movie and repeated among a close circle of freaks, I have never been able to find it in any gonzo articles, novels, etc. So this is where yer help would be greatly appreciated oh great editor. If you could tell me where that quote was taken from and e-mail it to me [...] I would owe you deeply. Thanx, Nathan The quote was from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, thanks for writing—Amanda Aikman TITS March 16/2005 |