MAD HATTER Grad Ceremony - Continued - Continued From Page One “For many students, completing a collage program is a real achieve- ment. They have to work hard to earn their diplomas and certificates and they are very proud of what they have accomplished." Angus also spoke of the extraordi- nary achievements of the students who graduated in the Basic Occupa- tlonal Education programs. Basic Occupational Education offers two programs which prepares students with. mental handicaps or learning difficulties for employment in the food services and electronic assemb- ly industries. "It really moves me to think of how far they have come and what this must mean to them.” LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR’S MEDAL Kathi-Jean Boychuk of Coquitlam is this year’s winner of the Lieutenant Governor's Medal at Douglas Col- lege. The medal is awarded to the student who achieves the highest standing in a one-year program in gach post-secondary institution. Boychuk, a graduate from the Post- Basic Occupational Nursing program, maintained an extremely high grade point average of 4.07 (A+) In her courses. She was very well liked by her class mates and her instructors were impressed with her talent for turning theoretical knowledge into practice. Boychuk completed the program while she was pregnant, and she recently gave birth to her child. Boychuk is now working at Eagleridge Hospital. Kathi-Jean Boychuk receives Lieutenant Governor's Medal from Acting Dean of Applied Programs, Jim Sator