INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / DECEMBER 11, 1990 Maple Ridge DVST Review (continued from page 10) 11. Student services should be increased and be given a higher profile. The delivery of these services should be flexible to meet the needs of the program. 12. The college should consider offering appropriate courses at times other than day time. 13. The college should solicit community input to the DVST program by setting up an advisory committee to the program. Furthermore, the college should initiate and maintain a system of regular contact with agencies which service the Maple Ridge area. 14. The I-CARE program should be expanded at the Maple Ridge Centre. The expansion should include tutor training and program maintenance for the part of the program operating from the Maple Ridge Centre. 15. Outreach programing should be part of the Developmental Studies offering in Maple Ridge. It is a viable, and in some cases, preferred mode of delivery in situations such as: a. the workplace b. storefront literacy projects c. DVST courses or workshops for specific target groups 16. Outreach programming could emanate from the Thomas Haney Centre, but the continued need for off-site locations for such activities should be recognized. 17. The college should pursue the feasibility of establishing a free-standing adult learning centre that exists outside a school building. @ is ; . Season § Greetings Dlease come and celebrate the festive season with your colleagues and friends. Date: Thursday, December 20th Time: 3 - 6 p.m. Dlace: Douglas Room tee Hot hors-d’oeuvres & hosted bar... Ig ei ja