this descriptive title listing can be obtained from Joan Wenman in the Library. Joan Wenman For Sale: Mechanic’s Special! 1974 Yamaha 650 Motorcycle $150.00 See Jean Cockburn in the Library, or call 925-1549 after 6:00 P.M. The Douglas College Community Choir, led by Director Diane Loomer, performed on October 5 for massive Expo crowds in a showcase of B.C. College talent. 5334) or Betty Lou Hayes (local 5338) for tickets. Judo classes will begin once a quali- fied instuctor is found. If anyone has any judo contacts or knows of a poss- ible instructor, please call Betty Lou at local 5338. Indoor soccer has begun and this year teams are using the full gym to play their games. Staff and faculty are not represented except for Chris Johnson and Tim Frick who play on student teams. If anyone would like to play, student teams are always looking for new players. So, either join a team or watch and cheer from the balcony every Thursday from 1200 - 1400 hours. Betty Lou Hayes Library Micro-Computer Software The Library now has available a list of the Douglas College Library micro- Douglas College's Jazz Band, with director Blair Fisher, closed the B.C. College show- computer software holdings. Copies of case Sunday night with an upbeat set of contemporary and traditional jazz tunes.