Health & Comfort in Modern Office Buildings Hear Elia M. Sterling, a Research Architect with the Vancouver based consulting firm of Theodor D. Sterling (TDS) Ltd. which special- izes in energy, environment, health and ergonomics describe results of research and consulting projects undertaken by TDS Limited in Canada and the United States evaluating the effect of contemporary buildings on the health and comfort of office workers will be presented including: 1. A work environmental survey ad- ministered to 1100 office workers in New York City. | E. Trudeau is reported to have said: Mad Hatter Page To Hang or Not to Hang Is not the Question The media informs us that our country will soon face another de- bate on capital punishment. (Maclean's, Oct. 8, 1984). On this topic, the former prime minister of Canada, the Right Honourable Pierre “Are we, aS a seciety, so lacking in respect of ourselves, so lacking in hope for the betterment of mankind, so socially bankrupt that we are ready to accept state vengeance as our penal philosophy?" Forget, for a moment, that this same man signed the agreement for the An experiment study undertaken to determine the effect of office ventilation and lighting on symptoms reported by occu- pants of one sealed building in Vancouver. 3. Renovation of an office building in Ottawa to improve worker health and comfort. Find out how to identify if the building you work in is a "problem building" andthe means available to office workers to improve conditions of environment in modern buildings. Place: Douglas College, Room 3406 Time: 1930 - 2130 hours Date: Tuesday, October 23, 1984 Fee: $6.00 To register call Barb Edwards, Community Programs & Services at 520-5472. testing of the Cruise missile in | Canada; a weapon designed to kill persons whose greatestcrime may well have been being born in the wrong ' geographical location. ‘Whenever one hears such an eloquent ‘statement one is impressed by the i fact that here is a truth which all ‘persons of intelligence and goodwill “must accept, a truth born out of the betterment of mankind, a truth / which will always be there even when |there is no one left to contemplate Fe 'Philosophy teaches us that the values | which are here today may be gone 'tomorrow. The human sciences confirm | ‘philosophy's findings and in their |}cataloguing of the affairs of man |they provide no basis for the pro- ;gress of humankind toward such a .truth or even a sufficient basis for ,the necessity of such a truth. The ,theory which undergirds all of ‘existence, namely Darwin's theory 'of evolution, provides the only ,real resolution to the question of ‘capital punishment. Clearly, | Are there any such truths? i