GUAL E - LIFE LUNG EVUCATIUNAL OPPURTUNITIES: THE CULLEGE WILL PRUVIDE OPPURTUNITIES FOR LIFE LUNG EDUCATION THROUGH A RECURRENT EDUCATION APPROACH TO CURRICULUM AND A CAREFULLY SELECTED RANGE OF COMMUNITY-BASED EDUCATIUNAL ACTIVITIES. OBJECTIVE E:1 To encouraye life long learning by facilitatiny access for adults to College programs and courses and other reyional institutions. OBJECTIVE E:2 To encouraye life lony learniny by providing a comprehensive ranye of learning opportunities for adults. OBJECTIVE E:3 To establisn committees of employers in selected fields to identify the means to implement recurrent educational Opportunities for employees. OBJECTIVE E:4 To inform the public of the availability of life long learning and recurrent educational opportunities. OBJECTIVE Ez To assist learners to develop and use independent learniny skills. OBJECTIVE E:6 To increase opportunities for independent learning. OBJECTIVE E:7 To increase institutional revenue in order to offer aS wide a ranye ot learniny opportunities as possible. UBJECTIVE E:8 To provide a Community Education proyram based on community needs.