DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY ARCHIVES 1. A union association is for instructional faculty, ‘ librarians, counsellors, project leaders, programmers, co-ordinators and convenors or anyone else below the department chairman level of administration. 2. Any of the above who have administrative duties must ve elected to their positions by their peers. 3. Chairmen,directors,deans,principal and bursar, and any other administrative appointee must be outside the union. 4. All teaching faculty and others of,.the bargaining unit must be selected for first appointment by those full-time faculty currently employed by the college. De Faculty of the bargaining unit must have part- icipation in selection of,at leasty;their immed- iate supervisior(i.e. the department chairman and/or director.) I urge you to support any person or group who adopts those points 2s a base or who has them incorporated in their platform. ‘those principles would,I think appeal to most unionists;at the same time their implementation would forestall having agoup of administrators superimposed on the existing scheme if we were to go the route of electing people to those positions. The Association in the uncoming year will need some strong memoers on the executive,people who are both knowledgea le in college governance and who can spare a few hours each week to accomplish the work that must be done. It ulso needs members—at—large who will attend meetings,speak their minds and supoort their executive in the crunch. Please start looking NOW for good candidates. Have them take a stand and declare it. Maybe,to achieve needed co-operition and unity of purpose on the executive,slates of people should run for office? This election should place people in the following offices: 1. President 2. Vice-president( who is chairman of the Welfare Committee) 3. Treasuer 4. Secretary 5. CFF Director(eligible for CFF presidency) 6. Ombudsman 7. Jepartment eps. Please consider the importance of these offices, especially now,when the faculty is takings some charge of its own affairs through collective bar- gaining. Thank you for takine time to red this. \ a ; eh ; LY ? ms pe heer KG fy 5, ie of jy 7