LETTITOR “Sometimes I wonder what I’m gonna do ‘Cause there ain’t no cure for the summertime blues” —Eddie Cochrane, “Summertime Blues” Summertime, and the living’s easy You can pretty much taste it now, gentle reader. Two more days and we are out of here. Give yourselves a pat on the back. Buy yourself a beer. Give yourself a reach-around. Or better yet, get someone else to do that. Because you deserve it, gentler reader. It’s not like any school year is stress free, and I’m sure this one was no different. Tests, reports, presentations... there’s no end to it. For me, this year was different from any other, because I’ve been here, at The Other Press.1 was here last year too, but writing jokes involves a lot less work than editing a whole paper. Of course, because my jokes weren’t that funny to begin with, I made it real easy on myself. But now that I’m editor, I’ve obviously been much more involved in the paper than I normally would’ ve been. It’s very time-consuming but at the same time very rewarding. I’ve gotten to work with a really talented crew of writers, editors, designers, photographers and artists (well, actually I’ve only worked with one artist all year) and it’s been a real treat to watch so many of these people mature as writers, rise through the ranks, or even just learn how to italicize properly. We’ ve had our staff come and go, but I think that this paper has been able to keep the quality high, and I hope you’ll agree with me there. After all, you did approve the levy increase last semester, so I guess you must agree that our level of quality is pretty high. Or at least 50.1 per cent of you agree... So although this is the last issue of The Other Press for the year (or at least the last issue on our weekly schedule; we switch to a once-monthly schedule until September), don’t think of this as the end of your opportunities to get involved here. We'll still be taking in submissions all throughout the summer, and once September comes, we’ll be needing as many of your submissions as we can get to fill up the many pages we publish on a weekly basis. And, hey, we’re hiring! What a coincidence, there’s a hiring ad right below this editorial! So consider working here at The Other Press if you'd like to take on a really fun job that can lead to plenty of great things. Or you could always contribute, we love contributors! Or hell, just remember to keep us in your thoughts and think about us. Because all summer long, we’ll be thinking of you. But not in a creepy way. Your friend in high fidelity, Liam Britten Editor-in-Chief The Other Press The Other Press is Hiring! News Editor Report on news stories around Douglas College and the local community. Interest in college and local events and affairs a major asset. Must have strong writing ability and be able to commit time to research and interviews for stories. Pay: $400/month Arts Editor Cover stories about all sorts of arts events and products. Reviewing, reporting and editing will all be the responsibility of a successful applicant. Good writing skills, fresh perspective and diverse interests a must! Pay: $400/month Send your resume to editor @theotherpress.ca.