by the group. The members that I patrolled with were Ronin, Grimm, Tank, and PC. The leader, Ronin, is a member of the original Vancouver Guardian Angels chapter. He signals the routes to follow using hand signals recognized by each of the members. Grimm had only a little to say about the Vancouver Guardian Angels. Wendy: So when did you join the Guardian Angels? Ronin: I was a member of the original chapter. Back then we just kept moving on the patrols. We would walk and walk for the entire patrol just providing a presence. W: What do you do differently now? R: I like to stop on the corners, particularly at Main and Hastings. Not only do we provide a presence, but also the crowds tend to disperse. PC was the most talkative member of the group. Although the others described him as quiet he was very talkative about the Guardian Angels and the perceptions relating to them. W: When did you join the Guardian Angels? PC: I joined two years ago. I had heard about them in the 1980s and thought that what they did was cool. When I heard that they were looking for recruits in 2006 I came out. W: So what was it like being a recruit? PC: First there was two to three months of training. Then I started going out on patrols with senior people. W: What do you think of the perceptions surrounding the Guardian Angels in Vancouver? How do they make you feel? PC: I know people think that we’re a bunch of Yankees, but we make sure people are safe. We take the name of the guardian angel seriously. When you think of a guardian angel you think of a protector. That’s what we are. We go around neighbourhoods that we think need to be patrolled. We used to go on the SkyTrain when women were being mugged around the stations. We break up fights; we’re never aggressive towards people. Nine out of ten people give us the thumbs up. The residents of the DTES appreciate us being here. W: So why do you come out every Friday? PC: It’s my way of giving back. I give to charities and I donate my time, but this is my major contribution to society. I don’t like violence particularly towards weaker people; it upsets me. It’s worth it if we even help one person a night. From my time out with the Guardian Angels, PC is quite correct about their approval rating. Most of the DTES residents that we encountered did give them a thumbs up. Some asked if they were affiliated with the Vancouver Police Department (VPD), but were cautiously optimistic. One DTES resident summed it up quite nicely. DTES Resident: So what are you guys about? Are you cracking down on dope users or what? PC: We’re about keeping people safe and making sure nobody gets hurt. DTESR: I’m all for that. Many of the residents came to the Guardian Angels with a story to tell. Many just wanted to be heard. The Guardian Angels offer an ear to listen and as they joked, Tank gets a lot of them. Tank was my original contact with the Guardian Angels. He is always enthusiastic and always trying to help. In my first patrol with the Guardian Angels he stopped to offer medical assistance to one DTES resident and an ambulance came by minutes later to help.. He also stopped to listen to one DTES resident who needed assistance in a back alleyway. The man had just gotten out of the hospital and was trying to contact Vancouver General Hospital (VGH) for the return of his belongings. Tank, who is much kinder than the name implies, helped the man phone YOUR FIRST DAY OF CLASS See) DAY OF AU We AT BCIT, our programs are developed with employer support, providing a unique blend of academic learning, hands-on experience and valuable contacts. Get where you want to go. Attend BCIT’s BIG Info Session—March 4 SPAM TU Rieh CHANGES MG VGH in a vain attempt to locate his belongings. Tank filled me in on the training that the Guardian Angels go through before starting patrols. W: Who trains the Guardian Angels? Tank: My first teacher was Norm Bettencourt. Mitra and Guru O’Neal at Triunity Martial Arts in Surrey also taught us. W: What did they teach you? T: Norm taught us about working as a team. He would teach us certain moves on how to protect ourselves against knives or guns and very aggressive individuals or multiple attackers... We were taught anti- terrorist techniques, knife use and defense. We even learned how to react to grenade attacks! Mitra is also the only lady in Canada that is authorized to teach these techniques. My experiences with the Guardian Angels showed me a different side of the Downtown East Side. Many of the people there just want to be protected and left alone to do as they please. Regardless of who we talked to, everyone was unanimous in their support of a patrolling group that wasn’t the Vancouver Police Department. When it comes to the DTES, the residents want the Guardian Angels.