Classifieds... Student Placement Notices Recreation Position Qualifications: Male, able to swim, a car would be an asset Location: Vancouver Salary: Will advise at interview Duties: Working with three mentally handicapped adults Hours: Permanent part-time, Satur- day and Sundays 12:30 - 4:30 p.m. Contact Connie Doherty in student placement for referral 242. Part-Time Sales Location: New Westminster, close to the college _ Qualification: Cash and sales experi- ence preferred, automotive experi- ence an asset Salary: Negotialbe, depending on ex- perience Start: As soon as possible Hours: Thursday and Friday evenings and some Saturdays, approximately 16 - 24 hours a week Contact Connie Doherty, in the stu- dent placement office for referral 239 Support Worker Duties: To set up an exercise program for a woman Location: Vancouver Start: As soon as possible Salary: $7.50/hour plus expenses Hours: 30 35 hour work week Qualifications: T.R.T. Program grad- uate Contact Connie Doherty in the student eee office for referral 243 TAL LY Fat rR L393 VE Tae wie SIPS Se DROS Ky ANT TO DESIGN ADS & Employment Opportunity Xerox Canada Inc. is recruiting stu- dents with a technical educational background, with good communi- cation skills, to be hired into an entry level position in Customer Service. Interested students should submit a written resume to the Student Place- ment Office (Room 2710) by Friday, Nov. 8, 1985. Pianist or Organist Location: Vancouver Duties: Play for church services Hours: Sundays 11 - 12 Salary: $25.00 per service Start: Immediately Contact Connie Doherty in the student placement office for referral 245. Canadian Mental Health Association is presenting three information ses- sions for friends and relatives who wish to develop coping skills and learn more about these _ illnesses. Topics covered are: What are mood disorders? How are mood disorders treated? How to cope with a family member with a mood disorder? Each session covers a different topic. These sessions will be held Thursday November 7, 14, and 21, at B.C. Tel Auditorium, 3777 Kingsway (at Boundary), from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Admission to series $10.00 individual; $15.00 family. Further information call 734-2344 AL VFS O17 KR QD Re a ROA a $7U ST LIKE THIS ONE? 3 ae 3 Cy 39. One Toteboard Operator, Two office Assistants Location: Surrey Hours: Tuesdays 8:30 - 4:30 Salary: $3.65 - 5.00/hour Start: As soon as possible Qualifications: Understanding of the English language, basic office experi- ence would be an asset Contact the student placement office for referral 246. Tutor required for a student in first year chemistry 110 Qualfications: A first year ‘‘A’’ stu- dent or a second or third year chemistry student Start: As soon as possible Hours: Approximately two nights per week Salary: Negotiable Contact Connie Doherty in the student placement office for referral 244. Student Representative A vacancy exists for the position of student representative on the Douglas College Institutional Self Study Com- mittee. This committee is an extreme- ly important one, as it’s function is to examine, review and propose changes to the governance of the college. Those students who feel they have the time, energy, and maturity to make a contribution to this process are invited to apply directly to the Student Society (room 2780). Note: This is a voluntary position only. Treat ie to ' October 28, 1985 page 15 Person to do miscellaneous housework Location: New Westminster Start: As soon as possible Duties: Wash kitchen cupboards and other duties once or twice a month Salary: Negotiable Contact Connie Doherty in student placement office for referral 240. Public Service Announcement The Vancouver - Burnaby Branch of the Canadian Mental Health Associ- ation is looking for volunteers to work in its Activity Centres and sheltered workshops once a week for three hours. Call the Volunteer Co-ordinator at 734-2344. Math Tutor Experienced in all topics with a M.Sc. New Westminster, Port Coquitlam, Burnaby, 931-6074 Typing Theses, term papers etc. Ruth Johnston 520-3741 Typing: Jean 525-3544 ; Fast Typing Service or need help in Math? Call Kay at 522-1592 Darcy Get well. Don’t let circumstances affect your outlook. D.H. ae (and get paid for it?) of % THE Other Press IS LOOKING &} % § FORAN AD MANAGER. x x WE PAY 15% COMMISSION & i ON AD SALES. x THISMEANS THAT ASAD & < MANAGER,YOU COULD BE %& a MAKING HUNDREDS OF _ & me DOLLARS IN JUST 2 of Sy SEMESTERS! As includes: lasagna, manicotti, spaghetti, with your choice of sauces. Complete with green salad and sourdough bread. Join us to see the World Series and Monday Night Football Ag oF & INTERESTED? x ¥ ¢ Complimentary $ . Appetizer For you tee aS in Brandy’s "The Other Press&} (1 coupon per