INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE/NOVEMBER 8, 1988 — basis in order to accomodate an increased number of CP&S day-time programs 4) tighter scheduling of rooms for evening classes — Advantage: 5 to 6 additional sections or an increased number of CP&S activities could be accommodated 5) co-ordinated scheduling of CP&S activities — Advantage: would avoid many conflicts; greater numbers of activities could be accommodated 6) co-ordinated scheduling of classes within the same depart- ment — Advantage: underutilized classrooms could be scheduled (4 to 5 additional sections) 7) scheduling classes on Satur- day mornings — Advantage: additional sectlions/activities could be accommodated 8) movable dividers could be in- stalled in some rooms — Advantage: several small-group activities could share the same room 9) classes and events requiring four hours be scheduled in exist- ing matrix blocks (eg. 0800-1200, not 0900-1300) — Advantage: would free up Space, as only two, not three, ume blocks are used 10) scheduling an additional matrix block (ie. adjust "meet- ing" and "special events" blocks) — Advantage: 40-43 additional sections could be accommodated 11) schedule additional sections during the summer semester — Advantage: additional sections/events could be accommodated Recommendations *1) That disciplines, programs and services within the Student Services and Developmental Education department co-or- dinate the scheduling of activities within the rooms as- signed. — APPROVED 2) That the classroom blocks in the GNUR and PNUR programs, when students are on clinical semesters, be scheduled in "non-classroom" space, and only when this is not possible, in rented space off campus. — APPROVED 3) That programs requiring a clinical or practicum component co-ordinate scheduling to free up open classroom space. — APPROVED 4) That classes scheduled in the evening adhere to one of the fol- lowing requirements: a) be scheduled once per week for three hours (1900-2200) b) be scheduled twice per week for two hours each, eg. T, Th 1800-2000, but only if matched with another section also scheduled twice per week, eg. T, Th 2000-2200 c) be scheduled once per week for four hours, eg. T 1800-2200 — APPROVED 5) That a co-ordinated schedule of classes and activities be. prepared for every department, including CP&S. — APPROVED 6) That classes be scheduled on Saturday mornings, providing: a) they are free standing b) they suit the needs of the program and clientele ¢) better support services (eg. cleaning, administration, college services) are provided — DEFERRED 7) That sound-limiting dividers be installed in two classrooms, on a pilot basis, (particularly in classrooms assigned to the Ap- plied Programs Division), to allow for several small-group ac- tivities to occur in the same room. — APPROVED, SUBJECT TO FEASIBILITY **8) That classes or events re- quiring a four hour block be scheduled over two existing matrix blocks rather than three (eg. 0800-1200; not 0900-1300). — APPROVED 9) That the College timetable be adjusted to create one additional matrix block (see attached alter- natives). — APPROVED (altemative #2, with phase-in stage for January, 1989) 10) That the College make more effective use of the summer semester by scheduling an in- creased number of sections and a greater variety of courses specifically those courses which will enable students to complete upgrading and prerequisite re- quirements prior to the Fall semester. — APPROVED *It is recognized that scheduling for these programs must include time/space for individual and small-group conferencing and tutorials. **It is recognized that some uni- que situations may require exceptions, but such exceptions must be defined and justified. Please see pages 9,10 & 11 for tables of alternatives.