’ first short-list for interviews will , EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES - CONTINUED MAD HATTER PAGE 3 DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS PROGRAMS DIVISION The Division Director is responsible for providing leadership and management of a large instructional division in- cluding such programs as business administration, accounting, finance, marketing, public administration, office administration, secretarial training, hotel and restaurant administration, economics. The successful applicant will have an appropriate graduate degree, adminis- trative experience in a post-seconda institution, appropriate experience i the business conmunity. The competition remains open until 4 successful applicant is selected. 1 occur after July 10th. ‘The position is available August 1, 1981 but start ing date is negotiable. Salary range: $41,957 - $49,350. You may request additional information, or submit an application with a complete curriculum vita and references to: The Principal, Camosun College, 1950 tansdowne Road, _ Victoria, B.C. V8P 5J2 CO-ORDINATOR OF RECREATION SERVICES FOR THE DISABLED. The co-ordinator will work under the general supervision of the Greater Victoria Inter-Municipal Parks & Recreation Conmittee and will be re- quired to coordinate programs for the disabled in ccoperation with Volunteer Agencies and Municipal Parks and Re- creation Departments in order to better maximize social-recreational opportunit- ies for all disabled persons. The incumbent should possess demonstrat- ed ability through a combination of ex- perience and academic qualifications equalled to a University degree in leisure Services, Recreation, Physical Education or Social Work. SALARY RANGE: $22,000 - $26,000, Please submit complete application and resume on or before Wednesday, July 22, 1981 to: Mr. D. (Dunc) Russell, Chairman, Greater Victoria Inter-Municipal Parks & Recreation Committee, c/o Oak Bay Recreation Centre, 1975 Bee Street, Victoria, B.C. V8R 5E6 MATHEMATICS/COMPUTING INSTRUCTOR BUSINESS & HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT Olds College is currently seeking an instructor to develop and instruct intro- ductory courses in Mathematics, Computer Programming and Data Processing, as well as to provide for the development and instructional support of agricultural and general computer assisted education; and the development of management soft- ware packages. Computer instruction Will be offered using a large on-line system as well as several micro- processors. The incumbent will have a Master's degree in Mathematics or Computing Science with substantial emphasis in both disciplines. Knowledge of BASIC and COBOL languages is a definite requirement. Preference will be given to applicants who possess post-secondary teaching experience, business experience and knowledge of FORTRAN. SALARY : $22,800 - $33,636 Please submit resume, including the names of three references by June 29, 1981 to:. Personnel Office, Olds College, Olds Alberta, TOM 1P0 Notice Mary Fewster, Director of Nursing, will be on vacation from June 22 to July 31. While she is away, Vivian Stevenson will be acting director. Please contact Vivian regarding any nursing department business. ' Thank you. EMPLOYMENT WANTED BABYSITTER Reliable, mature babysitter will care for your children in your own hame, weekends. Starting Date: July 4, 1981. Phone 584-1858 any weekday between 6 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. or anytime on weekends. Ask for lee.