— . THE MAD HATTER’ A Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the spring and fall semesters, bi-monthly in & the summer semester by Douglas College Technical : and Vocational Institute P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. Editor: Melanie Falcon Telephone: 588-4411, Local 283 Notice Board Because our Summer Term course offerings are distributed to several campuses and because those offerings do not utilize the classroom facilities to a very high level, it may be worthwhile to consider modifying the Class Schedule matrix for the Summer Term. The new matrix would be as follows: MoT W oTh F 8-10 bee ee ip 10-28 |, Fe 1 ool 4 MY 51615 |6 8 7 ieir ls 4-6 Wi. AO CLASSES: . ee o 2-4 | & | 208] 9- 1 10 eg a, hil Por hee Soa “I 7 7=10 ii 12 is 14) (11y(12y = oO bd NS All courses would be scheduled either Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday. Night classes would be scheduled every evening at New Westminster, Tuesday and Thursday evenings only at Surrey and Wednesday evenings only at Richmond. I would be pleased to have comments and/or suggestions from any menber of the College Community. Gerry DellaMattia PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF CHANGE IN TELEPHONE DIRECTORY: @.. November 17, 1978 you may now contact Hendrick Persad, Physical Sciences Division, on Local 216 - NO LONGER AT LOCAL 264. DOUGL! PAGE | AS COWNESE LIBRARY INTERNA aus SRL DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH CENTRE We have received information from the International Development Research Centre (Canada) of Research Associate Awards - Canada. These awards are made available to "professionals" interested in doing research in the following fields: 1. Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Sciences 2. Information Sciences 3. Population and Health Sciences 4. Social Sciences and Human Resources The awards are to encourage research into the problems of the developing regions of the world and into the means for applying and adapting scien- tific, technical and other knowledge to the economic and social advance- ment of those regions, and, in carrying out those objects a) to enlist the talents of natural and social scientists and tech- nologists of Canada and other countries; b) to assist the developing regions to build up the research capa- bilities, the innovative skills and the institutions required to solve their problems; c) to encourage generally the co- ordination of international development research; and d) to foster cooperation in research on development problems between the developed and developing regions for their mutual benefit. Anyone interested in more information on this should contact Ed Jolley, the Chairman of the Educational Leave Committee. George C. Wootton SAFETY & HEALTH COMMITTEE There are now two First Aid Attendants! available at New Westminster campus. Paul Andreassen - Library A/V | Margaret Clarke - Library