THE MAD HATTER A Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the spring and fall semesters, bi-monthly in the summer semester by Douglas College Technical . ‘and Vocational Institute P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster,B.C. Lditor: Judie Steeves, Surrey campus Telephone: 588-4411, loc. 283 MS. ED'S NOTES: First, a few reminders: The Mad Hatter does’ now accept classified ads except for real estate. If you would like Hatter submis- sion forms call me at 2835S. Riddle for today:'"Why is a raven like a writing-desk?" (answer next week). ----judie steeves jaybee's news.. What's in a name On Moon Mullins Moon ilullins wes described on his semi-annual evaluations as/“Loyal but not too bright’ Only a few of us knew how he got his nickname. We were playing silly games plowing around the Facific Ocean at night off the coast of Hawaii. Mullins, was standing lookout in the after conning position in his usual somnambulent state when, as some ties ¢ happens in tropical waters a huge bright object arose majestically from the derths, Mullins - alert at last, announced in an excited voice, "bright light - dead astern". After a pregnant pause the tired voice of the officer-of-the-watch replied, "that's the moon you sausage ! " Mioon Mullins! when your very tired the stupidest things make you howl with laughter.... Moon Mullins hoo-haw... Meanwhile back at the IRC ... Audio-Visual Technical Assistant Bruce Clarke Bruce was a A/V Technical Helper just a short time ago and now is the successful applicant in the pos- ition.of A/V Technical Assistant. Bruce has had a long association with Douglas College first as a Student Assistant at the magnificent sum of $1.50 an hour, in 1973 Bruce finally made it as a Material Library Clerk A/V and from there to A/V Helper in October 1974. Bruce is now a part of the ,-roduction team in the IRC working with Nicolas Lewis and Andrew MacAdam. Bruce still has some pretty good con- nections in the Library too. Paul Rowand Audio-Visual Technical Helper Of course when you promote one person (Bruce Clarke) then you have to fill that empty position and so it goes Paul Rowand replaces Bruce Clarke as the Technical Helper. Paul has work- ed as a volunteer (does that mean without pay Paul?) for Western Cable Ten in Television Broadcasting. He is presently enrolled at a rival institution taking Television Operation] for commercial broadcasting. Paul has worked for Douglas as a Student Ass- istant, Auxiliary anc at one point did so much contract work for the IRC it was decided it would easier on the budget if we took him off the open merket so we did. "Hey Charlie what's a Suri-in?" "I think it's an Oasis" "Ya meana water hole?" "Yeah you can pick up dates too." bps pub