The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education invites applications or nominations for the position of IRECTO to take office no later than July 1, 1975, to succeed the founding Director who is retiring The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education was tounded by Ontario Statute in 1965 to conduct Graduate Studies, Research and Field Develop- ment. It functions under an elected Assembly and an appointed Board of Governors. It has a current enrolment ot 500 full-time students, 1600 part- time students, an academic faculty of 160 and a complementot 700 protessional, academic and general support stat! The Graduate Studies fine tons carned out through attiliation with the University of Toronto, Degrees are granted to Institute students by the University of Toronto the Director ts the Chief Executive Otficer ol the tashtute and ts responsible to the Board ot Governors His tasks include the provision ot leadership ip the establishing of priorities and in the ensuring orthe rancial well-being of the Inst tute: The Director is also expected to main- tain Hatson sith the ministries of Government and with the Community in order to assess educabonal needs The torm ot ottice tor the Director is tive vears The salary ts negotiable Applications and nominations, acc ompa- med hy csumes of qualitications will be received until sete fons made. Such applications should De ser tt The Chairman ; Search Committee/Director Room $1217 The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education 252 Bloor Sireet West Toronto. Ontaria M5S 1V6 Canada ‘— VU) Eh DOUGLAS Cc fe > LIGRARY, LyRu sere Pi oraiv ko * Yancouver Symphony %* Orchestra FOR SALE: Tickets FoR Two FOR FIVE CONCERTS: JAN, 22ND... Fen. -STH.- Fes. 20TH: Mary Sin AND Mark. 19TH at 7:50 PH, REGULAR PRICE $4,50 EACH OR v45,00 VALUE FOR THE SET OF TEN TICKETS - WILL SELL FoR 540,td, PLEASE CONTACT ‘ARLENE C'RRONEG,. INSTRUCTIONAL ESOURCE CENTRE, LOCAL 253, SURREY CAMPUS, 1]