Look up, wey p>. ltsa bind, it’s a solani No. It’s Somme: crazy bastard falling out of an auplane! Have You Ever WANTED TO Fry? JOHN MoraAsH hat’s what one may be thinking from the ground at Pitt Meadows airport, but rest assured the crazy bastard did not fall, he jumped, willfully, out of a perfectly good airplane. The next question is, why? What could possibly make someone deliberately seek such high anxiety? In my case, it was my buddy Darrell’s stag party. Most stag parties are typified by a good drunk, a flirta- tious stripper and all your drunk pals making bets on who will be first to puke from the next round of shoot- ers. Darrell didn’t want the average stag; he wanted us to jump out of a plane with him. And so, we did. Like many people, I had always wanted to jump, but always found some way of putting it off. My friends and J would pledge our par- ticipation, announcing our bravery and adventuresome spirit, and then back out when we sobered up. We came up with every excuse in the book to avoid jump day: money, work, health, girlfriends. Darrell’s stag was our chance to redeem ourselves. (In the end, we still only got three out of a possible twelve to jump.) I climbed aboard the Cessna 185 thinking I would be happy if this toy plane could make it off the ground—lI wasn't even considering jumping yet. There was room for the pilot and four jumpers to cram them- selves into the hollowed-out gut of the plane and find some space on the floor for the thirty minute ascent. That's right—it takes a half-hour to get up to 11,000 feet, plenty of time to think. I had decided to jump tandem, strapped to an instructor or tandem master. By going tandem I could jump from 11000 feet on my first jump and free-fall for 45 seconds, as opposed to jumping from 3000 feet with no free-fall, by myself. Don Kennedy was the tandem master I was strapped to. I had to rely on his 25 years of skydiving experience to guide me from sky to ground. Don has jumped thousands of times safely. He ° has a wife and kids, but what put my mind most at ease was when he “T don't want to die either.” Well, that we were both in agreement on that, it was time ta think back on Don's ground sch ining. Things to remem May 1998 Pa: