MAD HATTER : ROYAL AVENUE SITE - FACILITIES The College is expecting a 13% increase in student enrollments for the 1988 fall semester and one of the effects of this increase will be a shortage of classrooms and faculty offices. We are currently secking additional off-site space but unfortunately this space will not be available for the fall semester. In the interim period to January 1989 the College will have to temporarily use two faculty-staff lounges as regular classrooms. The lounges being temporarily converted are rooms #2847 and #3304. In addition with the need for oe additional space in the Registrar’s i Office we are incorporating the 4th floor south building lounge (#4605) into this office. This lounge will be replaced by the Board lounge (#4925) and the necessary access modifications will be made. For the 1988 fall semester (faculty-staff lounges will be as follows: Room #2120- smoking lounge located in the Library Rom #4925- smoking lounge 4th floor south building For non-smokers who use one of the present lounges for coffee and lunch breaks, we would ask that they temporarily use the lower cafeteria which will be designated as non-smoking for the fall semester, or use the non-smoking area in the upper cafeteria. Consideration is being given to increasing the usage of the lower cafeteria but this may already be taken care of by the increase in enrollments. 1.C.L. will be requested to provide lunch service in the lower cafeteria on a regular basis. With regard to faculty offices there will have to be more doubling up during the fall semester. Again, this is a temporary measure for the one semester. The College has outgrown the existing telephone system and the matter of expansion or replacement is currently under review. The number of locals is now at the maximum and so some temporary sharing of locals on a party line basis will have to occur. Your cooperation and understanding on these temporary measures will be appreciated. Mad Hatter 6 |