MAD HATTER 7 RESTRICTED SMOKING POLICY DOUGLAS COLLEGE ROYAL AVENUE SITE POLICY: The college campus is primarily a 'no smoking’ facility. Smoking shall be restricted to those areas where ‘smoking permitted’ signs are installed. REGULATIONS: Smoking Permitted a - Areas exterior to the buildings, excluding Roof Decks. - Concourse area - both first and second levels. = - Portions of both Cafeterias - north west side of 1200, and north side (rear) of 2400. - Employee Lounges - Rooms 2120 and 4605 only. - Portion of the Library - public telephone area. - Boardroom Lounge, Room 4925. - Ceremonial Entrance Foyer - #4104 - only during Theatre events, (i.e. intermissions, etc.) (This foyer is a 'no smoking' area during normal college activities. ) Smoking Permitted at the Discretion of the Occupants - Faculty Offices: - single offices - at the discretion of the sole occupant, and providing door is closed. ~ double & triple offices - a1] occupants must approve to permit smoking in these rooms, and providing door is closed. * - Private Offices: - at the discretion of the sole occupant, and providing door is closed. Smoking Not Permitted - General Business Areas (Administration) - effectively, any open office area housing one or more occupants. - Classrooms. - Labs and support spaces to laboratories. - Library (both levels), smoking in employee lounge #2120 and one segregated area only. - Boardroom #4920. - Employee Lounges 2847 and 3304. - Lecture Theatres 2201 and 2203. - Performing Theatre and support areas backstage, excepting only the Green Room. - Instructional Media Services. - Tech Services (of the Library) - Gymnasium - floor and bleacher areas. - Conference rooms. Me a We On eS! LAU 1 Aor OE a Tle LU Tallest