MAD HATTER 12 __ GROUP ADVISING SESSIONS February 24 - 28, 1986 All sessions start promptly at times advertised and are approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours in length. Sessions are free; pre-registration is not required. All sessions are held at the New Westminster Campus, unless stated otherwise. lst Year Science - U.T. Including Major and Pre-entry requirements Commerce and Business University Transfer Office Administration Certificate programs & Office Systems and Records Diploma Program Child Care Counsellor Program & Community Social Service Worker Program Nursing; LTCA, RPN, RN (BASIC) Business Management Career Programs Certificate and Diploma Ist Year Arts - U.T. Including Major requirements and Bachelor of Social Work Teaching Elementary & Secondary Inel.. B.P.E. Dental Hygiene Requirements For Vancouver Community College- Vancouver Vocational School Monday, February 24 1000 hours Room 1711 Georgina Monday, February 24 1400 hours Room 2203 Lorraine Tuesday, February 25 hours Room 1717 Lorraine Tuesday, February 25 1000 hours Room 2221 Georgina Wednesday, February 26 0830 Room 2214 Amanda Wednesday, February 26 1000 hours Room 1711 Linda Wednesday, February 26 1400 hours Room 2223 Lorraine Thursday, February 27 1000 hours Room 4247 Linda Friday, February 28 1000 hours Room 2214 Amanda