MAD HATTER 4 tion and distribution of compact discs cannot yet meet the college's needs. The library has four micro-computers available for student use: two Apples and two Megacoms (IBM compatible). Up to 100 software programs are in use in the library, including word processing, spreadsheets and dato- base management programs. Student use of the computers is continually on the rise, and in particular, the word processing programs are very popular with students for term paper produc- tion. These changes in learning resources have also required library personnel to develop new skils and knowledge. The challenge is being met with eager- ness, as staff are excited to have the opportunity to learn to use these new technologies. SECURITY - RECENT LOSSES A rash of recent losses brings into focus one's individual responsibility for both institutional and personal property. Unfortunately the confines of Douglas College cannot be regarded as a “safe house”. The campus is essentially a public thoroughfare from 0630 to 2330 hours and it is difficult to guarantee that the building is totally clear of casual street traffic even during quiet hours. Everyone can help. - Please be aware that you have a responsibility for your own property and institutional items in your care. - Don't leave attractive items in sight within locked offices. - Don't leave items you value in un- occupied classrooms. - Don't assume locked cabinets and doors are full protection against the “criminal element’. There are few barriers a “professional” can't penetrate given the opportunity and a little time. While all risk to property cannot be el- iminated, a little thought, a little care can reduce the great majority of the regularly reported loss. Thanks for your co-operation. Ken McCoy UNITED WAY CAMPAIGN The United Way campaign for | 986 is now over and | want fo thank all of you who participated. The response from Douglas College was stronger this year and | am really pleased to report that our collective donation will be 50% higher than last year’s gift. Thank you all for making that possible. For those of you who have not yet heard, the reserved parking spot was won by Diana Pratt-Johnson. Diana is an auxiliary in the Library and has a varied work schedule, so knowing she always has her own spot in the same place is wonderful for her; (and yes, | did sell her the ticket; but no, the draw was made by Gena Ballantyne). Peter Henderson won the draw for the book This is My Home: A Celebration of Canada, and Ray Fournier won a gift certificate to the Keg. Thank you again for your participation. Virginia Chisholm NAME CHANGE Please note that Kathy Gill from the Registrar's Office has changed her name to Kathy Rai. Thanks! Julie Beaucaire CAFETERIA HOURS The following are the hours of opera- tion for the Upper Cafeteria during the Christmas period: December [5 to 18: Servery: 0900 - 1500 hours Fast Food: 0730 - 1800 hours December 19: Servery: 0900 - 1500 hours Fast Food: 0730 - 1500 hours December 22 & 23: Fast Food: 0730 - 1500 hours December 28 & 30: Fast Food 0900 - 1500 hours January 2: Fast Food: 0900 - 1500 hours January 5 onward: Return to regular hours of operation Paul Hodson Acting Manager of Logistical Services AN INVITATION Faculty, staff and students are invited to view the creations resulting from the most unique program offered by Douglas College. continued RR a SS i ss Ds SES