ai a DOUGLAS COLLEGE DINNER DANCE Here it is....the big social event of the year! The one and only Faculty/Staff dinner dance for the 1974-75 College year will be held on Saturday, April 19th. After much deliberation, Hazelmere Valley Golf Course in Surrey was chosen as the best location. The facilities at Hazelmere are comfortable and create a warm, relaxed atmosphere. A very extensive smorgasbord will be served from 8:00 till 10:00 p.m.. The varied, exciting menu includes prime west coast salmon, baron of beef, fresh oysters on the shell, prawns, scallops, glazed baked ham, roast turkey plus hot spicy dishes, salads, etc. etc.. We are also very pleased to have the terrific Bobby Herriot Band for your listening and dancing enjoyment. (Those of you who attended the Swedanna Dance will remember their popularity.) Dancing will commence after dinner tlLit 1800 ‘acme. We would like to stress that this is not a profit-making venture. The cost has been kept down to the absolute minimum of $ 10.00 per person. Basically, Hazelmere was chosen because they provided the best value plus the most interesting and appealing surroundings. Hazelmere Valley Golf Course is only a 45 minute drive from downtown Vancouver, 30 minutes from New Westminster, 25 minutes from Richmond and 20 minutes from Tsawwassen. If this drive will discourage you from attending, please call Thea Browne (526-1433). If there is a good re- sponse a bus can be chartered to transport passengers from Surrey Campus. Hazelmere is very easy to find - just follow the map on the back of your ticket. We hope you will come and make this dance a very big success. Tickets are in the process of being distributed and will be available through each campus receptionist or any member of the D.C.F.A.. Please watch for more information soon. ; 7 : THE DOUGLAS COLLEGE WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION