-ETTITOR *m writing to you this week from my sweet new hot-tub which has been freshly installed in the OP office. You may also notice the lovely iew from the window behind me. Yup, life sure is bonus here at The Other Press. And the thing is, we want to share all of this glory and plender with you! As we kick into a new semester, we’re on the ookout for some new talent to add to our ranks. We’re always earching for enthusiastic writers for our various sections, and cur- ently we’re also on the look-out for some graphic savvy types to assist with layout and design. So if you’re interested in joining the ich and spoiled world that is student press, I'd urge you to attend bne of our weekly meetings every Thursday at 6pm. Alternately, Hrop me an email and lets discuss your writing options. In the neantime, I think I’ll stay in here and soak for another twenty min- tes. A&E Editor Kevin Lalonde has promised me a foot rub and he hould be here any minute. Talk to you next week! rev Hargreaves ditor In Chief The Other Press jyeaturing Dr. Stephen Sex & Dr. Marilyn Fairchild Every week the OP's resident sex experts and happily divorced couple answer your ques- tions. If you want to have a question answered by our sexperts, send an email to dr.steven.sex(@gmail.com. You can keep your name confidential in fact, for legal reasons, wed prefer it that way. Dear Dr. Sex: I love my girlfriend a lot, more than anything, but last week she told me that she has secretly been a prostitute since she was 15 years old, and her ‘hooker’ name is Kitty Korner. I am still in shock over this revela- tion, and I have no idea how to react to it. | want to be supportive but I think I am hurt, too. Please help. Sex Trade Industry Dr. Sex: STI, the first thing you should think about and be grateful for is that you're getting it for free. Everyone else she encounters has to pay for it! Dr. Fairchild: No, the first thing you need to think about is your health. If , you have been having unprotected sex with your girlfriend then there is great tisk of being exposed to sexually transmitted disease/infection. I would rec- ommend seeing your health professional immediately, if you have not already done so. Dr. S: Well still, it doesn’t hurt that you’ve been getting action pro- bono...and pro-boner! But seriously, you do have to make it priority to get checked for disease, STI. Dr. F: Once you have dealt with the immediate health concerns, then you can begin to focus on how you feel about your situation emotionally. Once the initial shock wears off, there will be a lot of feelings to sort through. Dr. S$: I am quite sure your girlfriend knows all about how to deal with ‘shockers’. Dr. F: Your girlfriend may feel that she is trapped in this certain way of life, and supporting her may be the best thing you can do. Let her know that she doesn’t need to sell herself in order to make a living, and that you are there for her should she decide to get out of it. Dr. S: You could help her look for a new, more legitimate, job. Get her into selling cell phones. Cell sales people are soulless, just like whores. Dr. F: I really don’t think that is fair... Dr. S: Well thank you for your letter, STI, and we both hope you and your girlfriend work things out. See you next week!