eg? POST ANG SENOCH HITE ‘1 By Cavey McLellan and Steve McLelian “The OP Adding Box” | |just signed up for _Isn'tthat the most | Y@h. it'll be easy! Computer Science 100! basic computer \ course possible? But it'll be boring. ——— AURIGHT! JOIN [SnoKEh—G oe In class Heh, heh, easy as pie! o Weicome to Computer “ Science 100. Now I “Keyboard.” Please understand most of you repeat after me: are new to computers, Keyboard. so let me know if we're moving too fast. He went on talking two hours! The device with all the little keys is calied a about keyboards for You've totally lost me. e KEY-BOARD | = Wait, wait, wait. “What-boards?” (ase slower Rae * ’ IN THE BEST CYCLE EVER! ‘Saul STINK, POEL LIKE SHIT RESOLVE To QT ANDY WARHOL IS WELL KNowN FOR KIS WORK WITH PRINTS, BUT FEW KNow oF His Life - ee PERIop. HE ONLY’ HAD ONE MODEL, A MODEL HE USED AGAIN IN HIS WORK AND WHO BECAME ONE OF HIS MOST CELEBRATED SUBJECTS... MAO. LITHOGRAPHS, AND PHOTOGRAPHS, fy ANDY, I'M BORE pb. BUT MY FACE IS SO BORING. I NEED INSPIRATION. YOU'RE A GRIZZLY BEAR! NO-A POLAR BEAR! YOU'RE A Kobiac! : Xt You'Re Tiny! YOU'RE So smatt! YOU'RE A TROUT!) CAUGHT You! -* March 2/2005 |