MAD HATTER : College Policy & Curriculum Jurisdiction Bill Day referred to his response to the Academic Division's motion on curriculum jurisdiction. The stance taken is that anything that acts as a limit on College policy has to be a matter for the College Education Committte. A Division/Department Committee cannot decide in their own favour. ; Assignment of Credit Bill Day advised that this was the last opportunity to provide advice/commentary on the policy. After lengthy deliberation the following resolution was unanimously passed: THAT a formula for the assignment of credit be constructed on, and presented with, an educational rationale and that it proceed through the governance system for input and advice to the Management Committee. Major concerns raised, among others, were that the policy did not go through the Governance structure and although it has been dealt with as an administrative policy, it has major educational implications. Quorum Bill Day presented two alternatives to deal with the question of a quorum to ensure that agenda items are dealt with in a timely manner. The following resolution was passed: THAT members be instructed to appoint an alternate member from within the same constituency, in the event they are unable to attend a regularly schedule meeting. Responsibility for briefing the alternate member on the matters under discussion and charging that member with any particular stance be the responsibility of the incumbent member of the College Education Committee. Locally Initiated Curriculum Development Grant Bill Day advised that no‘ formal word has been received from Victoria. However, from a telephone conversation with Victoria, it would appear that our proposal on Court and Case Justice Simulation has been approved, at a reduced amount of $10,000. Post-Expo Educational Opportunities The College received approximately $50,000 from this initiative. Management Committee recommended sharing the resources between the Academic, Applied Programs and Educational and Student Services areas. All sections will be offered in January 1987. As a result of not offering some Educational & Student Services sections at the end of October, those funds were turned back to the “pot" which allowed additional sections for Academic and Applied Programs. The Committee wished to commend this demonstration of co-operation which is in the best interest of the College. Review of Policies E02.03.01 - Assignment of Credit - is currently being dealt with. £02.03.02, 03, 04. It was pointed out that all three policies have the same Policy Statement with different procedures/rules attached. Also, CP& Certificate of Attendance has been omitted.