MAD HATTER PAGE 23 Board Appointments Announced | The Honourable William N. Vander Zalm, Minister of Education, has announced the appointment of New Westminster businessman Eric Hedlund to the Board of Douglas College for a two-year term. Mr. Hedlund, a wel]-known forest industry executive, has his own consulting company, Hedlund Forest Ltd. A resident of New Westminster for over forty years, he started his career with J.R. Murray Plywood in 1948. He was Assistant Manager of Western Plywood Ltd. in Edmonton from 1961-64. He joined Weldwood of Canada Ltd. in Vancouver where he rose to the position of Western Division- al Manager. He was Vice-president and Gen- eral Manager of Riverdale Lumber and Sales Manager of Cantree Plywood until last year when he formed his own company. Mr. Hedlund has been active in comunity affairs for many years including the Gyro and Elks Clubs and the New Westminster Athletic: Commission. Reappointed to the Douglas College Board for two-year terms are Chairman Willian R. Emerton of Coquitlam, a partner in Touche Ross and Company, and Gerald T. Trerise, former Mayor of Maple Ridge, and Manager of Evergreen Tours Ltd. of Vancouver. Reap- pointed to a one-year term is Stewart J. Graham of Burnaby, a retired school super- jntendent who has served on the Board since 1969. Mr. Sandy Tompson will be serving his second year of a two-year term. He is the owner/manager of First Capital Realty and an Alderman for the City of New Westminster. School Board Appointees for the 1983 year: Mr. Al Coulson is a new appointee who is a native of New Westminster and has been in the educational field for thirty two years. Mr. Coulson is also active in the community - and is a member of the Hyack Battery. He is a newly elected School Board Trustee for School District #40, New Westminster. Returning School Board appointees are: Mr. Cliff Murnane for Burnaby School Dis- 2S eee ——-} trict #41; Mrs. Helen Casher for Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows School District #42 and Mrs. Gwen Chute for Coquitlam School Dis- trict #43. Book This Date!!! College Professional Development Day Friday, May 13, 1983 TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION A THREAT OR A CHALLENGE Roger Elms, Director, Canadian Studies Office, A.C.C.C. Kathleen Forsyth, Knowledge Network, Executive Director Guest Speakers: Displays of Hardware and Software Displays of Hardware and Software and A Social Event Management Committee Meetings | At the request of the Student Society, Man- agement Committee has agreed to hold its regular, alternate Tuesday meetings from 0830 to 1030 hours. This change in meeting times accomodates the Student Society's rep- resentative, allowing him to attend most of the meeting, and still attend his Tuesday morning classes, The change will remain in effect for the remainder of the spring sem- | ester, following which the meeting time will| move back to 0930 to 1130 hours. |