LIBRARY BOOK ORDERS PLEASE NOTE: The Materials Section Committee now meets only once monthly. If interested, please phone George Noble, R 43, for time and place. Thank you for your cooperation. ee ee MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETINGS The following resolution was passed at the Management Committee Meeting, October 30, 1979: "That, in the future, Management Com- mittee Meetings will be held every other Tuesday, from 9 a.m. to noon, and that these meetings will be open and agendas will be posted on the cmpuses". You are invited to attend whenever possible. ... Reg Pridham CHRISTMAS DINNER-DANCE All Staff, Faculty and Administration personnel are invited to an all-campus Christmas dinner-dance, sponsored by the Surrey Campus, Saturday, December 15, at the Hazlemere Golf & Country Club, Surrey. Cocktails will be served at 6:30 p.m., dinner at 8:00 p.m. and dancing from 9:30 p.m. till ???? Tickets may be obtained from: Gaye Rider, Mary Christie, Gordon Gilgan, Pat Yorke, Mavis Dalzell, Fran Johnson, Isobel McAslan or Jan McEachern. SPORTS RESULTS RUGBY In spite of losing a number of players due to injuries early in the season, the Douglas Rugby Club has still managed to hold its own in the Fraser Valley Rugby League. In first division play Douglas, with a record of 4 wins and 1 loss, is in first place, a point ahead of POCOMO. In its last 3 games, Douglas scored victories over Maple Ridge (22-7), Langley (27-13) and Burnaby (27-10). Garth Fraser, Dave Jagger, Burt Kirby and Rory Wickes have all been particularly impressive for Douglas and have been selected to represent the Fraser Valley Representative Team against the other Rugby unions in McKechnie Cup play. In the second division, the Douglas second team was upset 9-7 by Langley. This was the first loss experienced by the squad @ going back to November 1978 and ended their undefeated streak at 16 games. The team is now in second place bhind POCOMO with a record of 4 wins and 1 loss. NOL Sus