INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / APRIL 3, 1990 Chorfest’90 welcomes singing groups from around B.C. horfest ‘90, which will be held this spring at Douglas College in New Westminster, is offering unique singing and learning op- portunities to community choirs throughout the province. Slated for Friday, May 25 through Sunday, May 27, this weekend choral festival is co- hosted by the Amabilis Singers and the Douglas College Choral Society, in conjunction with the B.C. Choral Federation. Shell Canada Limited is the official sponsor. It’s a conference that wel- comes the entire family, says Cindy Donatelli, a member of the Amabilis Singers and Chorfest ’90 committee chairman. This musical conference provides singing oppor- tunities for adults and children. About 300 kids and 300 — 400 adults are expected to take part. The theme of this year’s Chor- fest is opera, and the participating singing groups will be singing from popular operas, accom- panied by a 40-piece professional orchestra. "We're calling it Operatunity because it really is an exceptional Letter to the Editor, reprinted from The News, March 21, 1990 Editor, The News I realize there are a great many men and women in this area who, for a variety of reasons, never completed their education on a formal level. I am a classic example. After dropping out of high school, I worked a variety of low-paying jobs while raising my family. One day I was fed up. I enrolled at Douglas Col- lege, in the upgrading program and, much to my amazement, there was not only full-funding available but after a basic assess- ment of my skills, a course out- line was developed for me, tailor-made to suit my needs and goals. Ode to college The instructors have en- couraged me from the outset and treated me with a respect I never encountered when apply- ing for a minimum wage job. The only requirement for anyone to return to school is a desire to learn. The rest is truly a pleasurable experience shared with other adults of ‘various ages, but all at the same level. I highly recommend the in- vestment in yourself and your family. Take this opportunity to get in touch with Sherry or Wilma at the office and watch your life take a direction you never knew was possible. Deborah Andrade-Brown opportunity,” says Donatelli. "Operas require an orchestra and a very large number of singers, neither of which are usually avail- able to community choral groups." Another bonus for the singers is that they will be working with guest clinicians. French Tickner, director of the University of British Columbia Opera Theatre, will be conducting the adults’ con- ference, and Bruce Pullen, director of the Vancouver Bach Choir and Vancouver Bach Children’s Choir, will be conducting the children’s conference. There will be three or four re- hearsals during the first two days of the conference, culminating in a concert on Sunday, May 27 that brings the singers and orchestra together. Members of the general public will be welcome to attend the concert, which will include four opera pieces presented by the adults, one by the children, and one more presented by the adults and children together. Chorfest 90 welcomes the par- ticipation of all community choral groups from throughout British Columbia. "This is an opportunity of a lifetime," says Donatelli. To register and for more infor- mation about Chorfest ’90, contact Gill Bartholomew, at 270-1961. @