TIBETAN WOOLEN CARPETS are being raffled by the Tibetan Refugee Aid Society Tickets, only 25¢ each are obtainable from: Barry Leach Institutes Office Surrey Room 202 (588-4411) First Prize - 15' X 15' Carpet with traditional Tibetan design. (Value $900) Second Prize - 9' X 12' Carpet design as above. (Value $350) Third Prize - A tape recorder (Value $100) FOULKES REPORT British Columbia. Health Security Programme Project. Health security for British Columbia A copy of this report is available on 24 hour loan at the circulation desk of each campus library. Derek Francis Assistant Librarian Technical Services FOR SALE 1963 Valiant Station Wagon In good running condition. $250 or best offer. Call Loc 221 SUPER VAN For Sale 1969 Ford 49,000 miles V-8 Automatic Blue $1500 Call J.W Davies 943-9762 It's likely they barely study, too COLLEGE PARK, Md. ‘AP) — Shedding clothing is the latest collegiate caper and some siudents at the Univers- iy of Maryland are making spirited etforts to ‘out-bure each other. Instead of eating goldfish or piling into telephone booths. naked students are taking part im tout races. basketball games. parades and even one mock wedding. Campus Police Chiet Jeruld Witsil said that only one nude runner has been arrested so far this year. The runner was charged with assault and di- sorderly conduct after hitting a resident director who tried to make him go inside. “We don't view this as a lark or as anything ap- proaching what is commonly called good college fun.” Wits- said FROM: | e I ! } / Richard Davidott. one ot the resident directors whose job is to keep peace wm the dormi- turtes. said the festive atmo- sphere accompanying the nude activities “is pretty dis- Tuptive to the students who don't want to be unvulyed Any atlempt to stop the ac Uvities. which usually last an hour or two. imght cause a lot ut trouble. he said. Students said the recurd for Mlass running in the nude was set ut midnight Nov. 15. bs abuut 125 sprinters — muostly male -~ who cireled a dining hall while spectators urged them on with shouts. music and firecrackers. A group ot co-vds claimed the distinction of iolding the inust bizarre event. They waged a iock weddings in whicli the participants wore only hats and headdresses.