DOUGLAS CCE Ece LIBRARY pe U.B.C. Faculty of Education and the Centre Gee Bae onan Education announce a course Or ree RY INSTIT hy 2 WNT ES | ONT Se i--GS Sur ae [Rduegation 3559) 4 and audit students. ADMINISTRATTON OF POST SECONDA de Course description: Selected problems in the administrat:-+ . post-secondary educational institutions--colleges, Eee. institutes, vocational schools, universities. post-secondary educat nn t proposals for modifying the relationships Ketwear vovernments and post-secondary institutior- Protams emerging in Board (Council) -Administr-+i-, sationships in various Pyrpes of inetitet‘aas altering roles of facuk sy associations, sovernments, alumni assaciations Impiacations for the Orgarization and asin: pos -secondary institutions “a2ctures, panels, discussions, case sti research projects. Dr. Jamie H.A. Wallin, Associate Profess.-: Administration, UBC, assisted by spec disciplines and from several Other ject ++ learning and government departments. : 742 Course dates, times, locations: ie February 28, March ppes ane, March 26-27. in order that persons currentiv emploved ~aititutiors can Participate, the course wili hes i~day s@ssion=. The two sessions are separated Oo Permis. the earryving @ubeof al rasearch Se Oeste reading assimnmnents, Fach session will commenc: LrQ0 pitts and walt end ak Noon the ‘following Sa? - - for Continuing Paice: or phone 228-2121; lacal 22% 4.